I Gotta Share! Pics Of Baby 4th Post Down


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I had just done a water change in the S. lucipinnus tank. I had sat for awhile and caught up on some things. I went back to the fish room and saw the dwarf pets dancing happily in the fresh water. I looked closer and THERE! A baby S. lucipinnus swimming happily through the thick planted growth. It's about 1/2 inch and well colored.

I am bursting! I am telling everyone! :D

Just in case you are not familiar with the species


is it that catfish?? Are their parents in there? The one looks pretty big, Maybe I'm missing the baby or is that it??
The first 2 pics is a member of the parent tribe recently; the 3rd are members of the parent tribe as a juvie. As the caption says the pics are in case you are not familiar with the species.

I am going to see if I caught a shot of the baby now.
The baby: sorry he's blurry. He's on the move!

He's a fast little guy

Front of one of the parent group

Side of one of the parent group
Those fish look awesome-i love the fin markings.....I've never seen those before.
Thank you, Pp.

They are commonly called dwarf petrocola. They do look lots like the S. petrocola, but they are a species in their own right.

I never expected them to give me babies without all the fuss.

They are in a 25 usg acrylic with a small albino BN and a shoal of white cloud mountain minnows

They are 3-4" as adults. I have had them since Spring of 2006. I recieved 7 smaller than the juvie you see there.

I lost one of the 7 last year. I guess they missed him.

They are a little hard to breed normally, so they are harder to get.
Do these lay eggs on the glass and stuff like the corys? They are really cool looking. Maybe they will have a few more surprises for you in the near future. That would be cool. :good:
I don't think so. They are suppose to fall in between rocks? :dunno:

But I think the "once they start" rule applies. I kinda thought someone might share if it is that unusual
If I remember right, there isn't a whole lot of info out there for breeding these guys.

Congrats...that's really exciting :fun:
I did get a post elsewhere that these will give a stray offspring here and there w/o any assistance. But if large numbers of fry are wanted, they need assistance.

Those that are breeding them I belive use the same method as is used for S. petrocola.

But I am in awe. I am delighted and now want to count them all to see if there are any others that have wiggled thei way in. hehe

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