Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
I got two female crowns. From wal-mart. They had just gotten their bettas in. They also had a white female with charcoal fins, and 3 other tiny tiny females about thumb nail size. Then I saw the two females!!! CROWN TAIL! I snatched them and held on to them with a death grip
until I got them home. One is about the size of my thumb nail... Sooo cute. Can I put such a big female and a little female together? I'll post pics tomorow. They also had 3 butterfly males, a marbled, a lavander cambodian, a red cambodian, and a few other good boys but I decided on some females this time. The smallest one is green with blue and the older female is blue with red. The little one has bigger crowns already then the older one! I bought them on impulse so I don't know what to do with them. I'm seriously hoping to put them together but I don't know about the size differnce. The female is so small I can't even feed her pellets. I have to crush up betta flakes! A pellet is bigger then her eye!!!! Still a fry!!!! Hahaha, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!