I Got Two Girlies!


New Member
Sep 26, 2006
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Hendersonville Tennessee
ok so I paired them up according to what i thought would be best (i got a wild/purple female for my blue and red male and a white female for my yellow male) they were great finds at the local pet store! well they have been getting aquainted for about 24 hours i needed to know if i could take out the clear divider now or to wait for my males to create bubble nests! any help will be arpeiciated i also started giving them treats of blood worms... hoping for the best lost in confused in H'ville :sad:

~*~ Lyds ~*~
You need to condition them for at least 2 weeks before you breed them. You also need to make sure you have sufficient food to feed the fry... if you plan on using microworms the culture needs to be started about 3 weeks before you breed.

Also, I think I mentioned this in another thread of yours but you really shouldn't breed VTs of pet store CTs. It's not a good idea for various reasons, for the good of you, your fish, and any fry. However, if you're still set on breeding them, make sure you have potential homes for the fry. Pet store VTs and CTs aren't really desirable enough for people to buy them from you and pay shipping, so you'll need potential homes locally... and you can end up with 500+ fry.
i had intended on gving them locally yes no worries there one of the petstore i went to said they would buy from me and i have a ;arge tank already getting ready for when they are hatched with tone of hide outs so i am hoping for the best plus this is almost kinda like we want to see what happens... we wanted to see if we could do it ya know? we aren't prepared to do full blown breeding yet but eventually we might! thanks for the input
The large tank will be good for a while but then you need seperate jars for each male when they mature and maybe some females if they are aggressive
Well....you don't have to use the clear divider in the first place...for me i just dumped them both in and then the next 2 days they were starting to breed already...well...it depends on you though...you could and im not saying you shouldn't, that you could use the clear divider...it doesn't really matter...if you think and have confidiece in your female that she won't die then i think its okay :D !
I HAVE A BUBBLE NEST!! :hyper: :good: :hyper: yay! :hyper: :good: :hyper: i was so excited all night i have been reading all the breeding threads i could find on bettas and i was fixing to go upstairs and revert to the tupperwear idea when my first fish casanova had made a bubble nest! (he is my picture) right now i have him paired with a white female... is this good or bad? they are both CT's and i have another CT female she is kinda purple with stripes almost a mix between a CT and a wild if you ask me personally... the white female just seemed to intereact with him more so i decided to go on ahead and do that pair..... just questioning! thnaks!

:hey: ~*~ Lyds ~*~ :fun:
I HAVE A BUBBLE NEST!! :hyper: :good: :hyper: yay! :hyper: :good: :hyper: i was so excited all night i have been reading all the breeding threads i could find on bettas and i was fixing to go upstairs and revert to the tupperwear idea when my first fish casanova had made a bubble nest! (he is my picture) right now i have him paired with a white female... is this good or bad? they are both CT's and i have another CT female she is kinda purple with stripes almost a mix between a CT and a wild if you ask me personally... the white female just seemed to intereact with him more so i decided to go on ahead and do that pair..... just questioning! thnaks!

:hey: ~*~ Lyds ~*~ :fun:

Horizontal stripes = stress. Vetical = breeding or dominance. not wild
From what I see here, I think Lyds, you just want to play around with spawning and breeding but I really don't think you should breed them. For one, you don't know how many you'll get and I don't even know you'll have space, you should really do research before breeding considering you don't even know how to tell stripes and everything apart. You bought them 2 days ago or w.e but why didn't you listen to lisie about conditioning? Don't you care if you end up with a dead female or male from all the stress? Just some advice here.
i am still conditioning thank for asking the dividers are still up and i have beeen feeding the males bloodworms and i do care if i end up with a dead fish... i have been researching quite alot even before i got the others bettas... and my female has had these stripes since i got her she had them at the store as well and they are part of her markings... solid black lines... anyways i somewhat have the feeling i am being jumped on so i guess i will go on with what i know but thank you for the advice...
your not being jumped on these people just care about the fish, the breed in general and you. What exactly are you going to do with upto 500 fish that will all need seperate containers eventually and new homes.

They don't want to see this go wrong and the next thread you post to be 'my females been ripped to shreds what shall i do'.
If you feel you've researched enough then go for it but some people on here have been breeding for ages and really know what they're talking about so maybe you should take the advice you asked for.
i'm going to point out that it is extremely unlikely she has any wild betta in her as these fish are expensive and generally those who sell to pet shops are looking to make money, not spend it. Also the stripes being solid black and having been in place since you got her really doesn't mean they are part of her coloring. I have a female who took over a month to finally show her true colors.

That said, while I feel you really shouldn't be breeding pet shop bettas, if you have your heart set on it than good luck. All I can say is make sure that you do your research and take the advice given on this forum to heart.
sorry about my earlyer post i just get offended too easily. yes i have been informed not to breed pet store bettas and i didnt realize that they may not be part of her colors wich is quite interesting but i have containers already for the fish once they need to be seperated and i already have a store that is willing to buy them so it's not a problem getting rid of them if that is even necissary i have 15 people at my school wanting some as soon as possible... it's something that i wanted to try and now the females are in thier own 29 gallon tank and the males are in seperate gallon tanks... thanks for the help... i guess...
i'm going to point out that it is extremely unlikely she has any wild betta in her as these fish are expensive and generally those who sell to pet shops are looking to make money, not spend it. Also the stripes being solid black and having been in place since you got her really doesn't mean they are part of her coloring. I have a female who took over a month to finally show her true colors.

That said, while I feel you really shouldn't be breeding pet shop bettas, if you have your heart set on it than good luck. All I can say is make sure that you do your research and take the advice given on this forum to heart.
Okay first of all my fiancee bought me "female bettas" from a pet store and well they are NOT betta splendens they are Betta Edithea (WILD TYPE BETTA WOW)
second of all it really depends on the fish I have bred pet store vts but thats cause the daddy was over 6 inches long before the tail . So really ppl calm down do you really want some one expirementing with show fish and if so volunteer yours common this is ridiculas

ALSO my blue female has black stripes that are permanent they are horizontal and stay there I have had her for months and they will not go away. she is not stressed out or sick so dont tell me they arent part of her

there is no way for one person to know everything and as a matter of fact a large group of ppl can be wrong....................... ie the world is round not flat

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