I got the 10g


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
Here it is, with a betta for now, i'm getting a Filter, aqua clear mini later this week (I hope, standard shipping :/ ) I will be adding More plants, (java ferns, anubius, and possibly amazon swords from my other tank. There are seven 2-3 inch diameter pots in there :)
How do you think the puffers will like it? The pots look so much better than PVC :D

Welp, I have the a terokada (sp?) pot just like yours in my tank, and my puffer rarely goes in it. He only goes in it to look for food, but other then that, I really like it. If I were you, I'd get some tunnels, the puffers love to go through those, and if you put plants at one of the entrances, it becomes a great hiding spot.
Looks really good! In my tank, still awaiting the DPs, I put a terracotta pot like yours upside-down (rather than on its side) and it looks a lot like a cave. I drilled a hole in one side of it, and one in the top so that a little light gets through (that way I can see if it's in there). I'll probably add some piping or something like that so that they've got long pipes to swin around in.

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