I got new fishies!!!


Aug 29, 2004
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I just got two zebra loaches, they're currently in a quarentine tank, I've given them some bloodworm. Is this right?
They also like sinking algae wafers and bits of cucumber. They are pretty omnivorous - will eat just about anything.
I'm an idiot... I didn't put a lid on the quarentine tank, and one jumped out overnight and died :byebye:

I'll try the algae wafers, thanks!
sorry about your fish.........definitely need that lid & keep it closed. loaches also love any catfish tablets & any beastie food - look for frozen blister packs in your lfs freezer where you get bloodworm, they also have stuff like brine shrimp,mosquito larvae & daphinia & our loaches love all these litle critters!
the mollies are doing great, piwi died... I don't know why, just one of those random deaths. She didn't look sick and was totally fine looking, and then suddenly she just disapeared and the next day I found her floating :( other than that though, the mollies are growing, eating lots of bloodworm/flakes/plants and I have fourteen fry at the moment! They like their new big tank!

millym, thanks! He'll be happy once he gets out of quarentine, lots of diversity (food) in there!

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