I Got My Archer Fish!


Fish Addict
Oct 25, 2010
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SO EXCITED! Finally got my archer fish! Toxotes microlepis! Called my awesome LFS and the awesome employee i always talk to, said he think he has the specific species! So i go in all excited and of course being the awesome LFS they are, they had 4 Toxotes microlepis waiting for me! I brought the group of 4, along with a dozen crickets, floating protein formulated fish food, and a plastic cling on the wall plant for the archer fish shooting range! Best of all, the employee i always talk too, lowered the price of the archers to what they had usually been months ago as they WERE priced at 19$, but rather they were now knocked down to 12$ each!

While i was acclimating them, they were spitting crazily at a cricket i was holding over the bucket it was awesome!

Ps: in about a week will be getting one more to make it a group of 5. Otherwise bullying will occur.
Can a mod move this thread to the oddball section please? Accidentally typed/posted it here by mistake..lol
Need some pics
Here are 2 pics i took after i purchased and during acclimation.

And in the bucket, drip acclimation!

Will get full side shots tomorrow, as they are far from shy, and are already eating lol 3 minutes after being in the tank to be precise!
Pardon the tea colored water...gotta love those tannins....also had an algae bloom..Anywho here they are!





Wow they look lovely =D

Still need pics of the shooting range!!!!! :shout:
Thanks guys! Really appreciate it! I'd HIGHLY RECOMMEND them to anyone! They may not be colorful, but their black on bright shining silver pattern beats any colorful fish around! Oh and their behavior and interactions are SO COOL! Best part about them is they just roam around the tank (bottom and top, but mostly in the middle) just chillin like a villain and at the sight of food they rise like submarines and fire their lasers! Pew pew! one shot a water bullet across my room haha so basically they are a combination of every cool fish ever! You got the cool full odd ball shaped body, awesome coloration pattern, not shy at all! In fact they are pretty hard to spook! Easy and SOOOOO fun to feed, and best part is, they dont grow to be 1'+ like some of their relatives! :D

Gotta admit though, they would be cool with a school of bosemanis rainbows....i dont think i have enough room/would be over stocked if i did. Or even like a bottom dweller..of some sort.
Very cool fish. And your tank looks great. Have to ask what's up with the one tetras?
Very cool fish. And your tank looks great. Have to ask what's up with the one tetras?

Knew you would chime in sometime! oh and the tank isn't finished or at least up to my standards at all yet...once my order of driftwood comes in (different kind that looks like roots) im going to have a decorating rescape party...along with purchasing a butt load of plants!

Oh and the tetra. He was from a school of 6 pet smart tetras of which all died off but him, the sole survivor. He's to large to be eaten right now and im going to give him to my lfs.
Very cool fish. And your tank looks great. Have to ask what's up with the one tetras?

Knew you would chime in sometime! oh and the tank isn't finished or at least up to my standards at all yet...once my order of driftwood comes in (different kind that looks like roots) im going to have a decorating rescape party...along with purchasing a butt load of plants!

Oh and the tetra. He was from a school of 6 pet smart tetras of which all died off but him, the sole survivor. He's to large to be eaten right now and im going to give him to my lfs.
:rofl: I hear that a lot on here.
Cool can't wait for the rescape.

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