I got me a real pretty betta

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I was watching all the pictures that came in. So I decided it was time to go buy me another betta. He looks healthy and he looks to be young because he isnt very big yet. I dont know if that is a sign or not. are they any way to tell how old these little fellows are?????
You can tell by how long their fins are. The shorter the tail and anal fins are,the younger they are. The really long finned bettas are pretty old. I'm not exact on how much length is 'X' age,but it's a good guideline to go by. :)
its fins are about as long as your green betta if that will tell you anything I would like to know how old he is. It seems like everytime I get one they die on me within six months. This time I would like to keep him for a while. I will post a picture in the morning. I have to tell this to he is in one of those betta tanks that hold a gallon and a half of water. You would think he is in heaven. He hasnt stopped swimming around and checking things out for the last three hours. He is so Happy I am so glad he thinks that much of his new home.

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