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Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2005
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So I was all sad because the people that had the fishtank sitting outside didn't phone me or leave a message in their mail box (I deliver their paper) like they said they would. But they phoned my yestuarday!!! Me and my dad went to pick it up last night. It came with a filter, a heater, 1 ornament with silk plants sticking out of, 1 big plastic plant, gravel, canopy (flouresent lighting) and a pokemon figurean (LoL) for only $30 :D
He said they had a huge pleco in it before :crazy: No comment on that...
So I used one of the calculators (not the one on this site, because I have no clue how to use it) and it said it held 18.7 standard gallons. So if you havn't guessed already, its going to be a divided betta tank. I was thinking of dividing it down the middle length-wise and have sections on either side, but then I wouldn't be able to see the fish in the back so that would be kinda pointless. So I'm just going to divide it normaly. I need to fit ATLEAST 5 capartments for my 5 male bettas that are going in there, and I was hoping to squeeze in a couple more for future bettas :D
My question is...how many bettas can do you think I should put in it?
Oh yah and my shopping list of stuff to get:
plastic canvas sheets
report binder spines (I hope I can find them because I've never seen them before!)
aquaruim silicone
a silk plant for each betta
And I think thats about it for now...
OH YAH and maybe some new bettas! :hyper: My lfs just got in a short-finned male betta and double-tails too! :shifty: *is secretly planning*
Awww...nobody cares :-( Well I'm happy and thats all that really matters to me I guesss....
Anyways, so does anybody have any suggestions as to how many bettas I can put in this thing? I've actually been thinking of putting Ruby in there too, I wasn't going to do it before because he's so old, but he doesn't really act that old and I think he would love the extra space and the next-door neighboors. So if I do put him in, I will have 6 bettas in there, atleast. My crowntail, Dragon, is acting weird though :/ He was living in a 1 gallon vase but I moved him to a normal tank instead because his fins were starting to deteriate (sp?) and all he did was hang at the surface. So now I have him in a normal tank, and I thought he would cheer up, but he hasn't
:( He doesn't look sick or anything....I don't know what it is. He isn't really eating either. He had a really big poop today, maybe he was just constipated or something? His fins are still a wreck though. I don't think he liked the vase, I have another betta in there and he seems to love it. I thought it was something to do with the vase but I guess it isn't. I don't know if I want to chance him with the other fish, just incase he does have some kind of disease. I don't know what to do...
I think it's very cool that you got this tank, actually. And that you're going to divide it and supply plush little pads to your little boys. And for such an excellent deal, too. You really lucked out on that one. Even if it did come with a Pokemon figurine. ;)

You should be able to easily enough divide it into 6 sections, approximately three gallons each. But you should also be able to add a couple more sections if you feel the need. :)
WOOOODOGGY! you could fit anywhere from like 1 to 18 (is it long or tall?? if its tall then you could probly fit like 15 in there!

that is im talking 1 gallon each but i would go for 2 gallons each so yea like 9
LoL, I wish I could fit 18 in there but it would be way too tight. I don't think I would even be able to fit my hand in there! So I think I'm going to go with about 7 or 8. I'm going to go get the supplies tommorow. I still don't know if I should put Dragon (the crowntail) in there. What do you guys think?
I wouldn't put Dragon in there until he's behaving more normally. It's possible he's not sick at all, that he's just fine, but it's better not to risk it.
Ok, thanks. I hope he gets better. He still looks the same though...
I've decided to go with 6 capartments. I was going to put 7, but the length of each sections would only be 4" so I think that is a pretty tight squeeze. So I won't be able to get any new bettas, but atleast my bettas will be happier because they will have 3 gallons each :D Each capartment will be: L-5" W-12" and H-12". Does this sound ok?
I'm defentely going to try Ruby (my old betta) in there, and if he doesn't like then he can go back to his original tank, and then I'll have an empty space which won't be hard to fill up :hey:. And if Dragon doesn't get better, then I will have another space to put a betta in. So I might only have 4 of my original bettas in there. We'll see how it goes.
I was just thinking you could get more Betta's as presumably after filling your new tank (nice deal) you would have a few redundant tanks, just a thought.

Good luck, Dan
Yah, I wish! LoL. The whole point of getting the larger tank is so I don't have all these little tanks laying around, and my parents have FORBID me from filling them back up again (enless I'm using them for quaratine or hospital tanks). How mean is that? :p

Edit: I tried to feed Dragon, and he didn't eat much :/ :-( He only ate about 1/3 of a bloodworm and I THINK one pellet...he might of spit that out though. He will try and get food, but he ends up missing, and if he does get it he just spits it out. He was at the top of the water with his mouth open, and I even put bloodworms RIGHT in his mouth, but he didn't seem to notice, he would just swim away and the bloodworms would fall to the bottom. He's really skinny, it looked like sombody pinched him at the top of his body, its wierd. Sooo...I think I have decided to make only 5 capartments, because I don't think he's going to get better :( I want to be able to keep his water really clean so I think I should keep him by himself, he might be carrying some kind of disease, anyways.
Grrr!!! I can't find any freakin report binder spines in this freakin city! Me and my mom just spent 2 hours going to practicly every store that sells school supplies. I did get the plastic canvas sheets, though. We didn't find any aquaruim safe silicone either... :angry: But we have one more place to look, and they will probably have it. So....any ideas what I could use instead of the report binder spines (is that what they are called?)

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