I Got Great Deal The Other Day


Fish Addict
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
seattle WA USA
:hyper: I got great deal the other day. :hyper: Well at least for me.
I went my local aquarium society meeting. We meet about once a month.
And I was not particularly looking for anything to buy since I usually have enough fish in most of the tanks.
But when I saw this big Corys in the bucket. The guy brought them in the bucket. So I only can see them from the above. And I thought they are some kind of Brochi. And I wasn't planning to bid.

That was until he mentioned that they are the C.Concolor. Then, right then. I know I have to HAVE them. Even though I wasn't sure how I take the big bucket home in the bus. I didn't have a car.

So I bid and I won for mere $6 for whole bucket. I kind of felt bad for the seller since he only get $3(50/50 split, the club keep half). I was ready to go at least $20. Then again, it usually most stuff go dirt cheap. I sold my 3 Albino Angels for $1 which is the minimum bid. So I get 50cens for them. And sold 5 juvi Sterbai for $20 that give me $10. And 2 F1 Orange Laser for $12 that give me $6 back.

Anyway, did I mention there are some assorted Tetra, Rasbora, some gold/white snails and a Krib in the bucket also. Which was more of after thought since my main goal was getting those big 6 Concolor.
At first I thought there are 5 adult females and 1 male in the bucket. That was when I saw them from the above.
But when I got home( I ask fellow member heading my way to give me a ride home which he did since I didn't want to carry the bucket of fish without lid on the bus) and put in the tank. And saw them from the side. I realized that I have 5 males and 1 females. And irony is the smallest one is the female. Judging by their dorsal fins and ventral fins. The male is suppose to have longer dorsal fin at the front. And I read that the female are suppose to be bigger than the male. In this group, I guess she might be younger and need to grow a little more.
I can't believe how chunky and stocky they are. Their males have the shape of female for most other species. And they are gonna be the biggest Corys I have. Since they are about 2" and 1" tall without fins and tails.

I have them in the quarantine for now but eventually I should shuffle things around and give them like 20L and see what happens.
Maybe I will keep them with the C.Duplicareus since they seem to have similar personality. They both seem to be shy side and move slowly. I guess I need to sell more Sterbais, Similis, Pandas, Orange Laser and Angels as quickly as possible.

So as you can see, I am pre~~tty happy about this new roommates. Hopefully they will be happy and make some babies in near future. I know they were not in the best situation since they were in the community tank. And probably with some fin nipping fish since I see some dorsal is nipped. Hopefully they will grow them back with good food and clean water.

But what a bargain! I could probably have to pay that for 1 of them at the store if I see them.
Sorry no pictures.

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