I Got Crabs Too!


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)
OMG they are so small but perfect miniture crabs. I dont have any pics as I wasnt there to put them into the tank but I'll try to snap a few later when they are less shy.
Welcome to the micro crab club lmao as founder member i feel it's right i point out that we all have to gloat like mad at TylerFerretLord every chance we get

he's threatening to nuke my tank :blink:
Tyler gets ghost shrimp though, I've never seen them in shops!

Closest I can find is shrimp-eating macros :(.
Nowadays, everyones getting these crabs.
Alright, someone help me out and make an African dwarf frog club. :shifty:
Welcome to the micro crab club lmao as founder member i feel it's right i point out that we all have to gloat like mad at TylerFerretLord every chance we get

he's threatening to nuke my tank :blink:


I was quite shocked to turn the light on this morning to see 2 of my little crabs bodies on the bottom. Turns out they were just shed skins :fun:

I'll try and get some pics soon. 2 of them actually hide right at the front of the tank in a little cave they have dug under a moss rock!
Sorry the pics are a bit crap, they are so small and the tank is slightly bowed so makes it all the more difficult.








Beside a CRS shrimplet


Some of their tankmates

Nice pics!

Also, HA! I will be getting some soon. 12 for 32$. No shipping charge because the seller allows local pick-up. :D

Nice pics!

Also, HA! I will be getting some soon. 12 for 32$. No shipping charge because the seller allows local pick-up. :D


@ ~T~
Great pics :good:

@ Tyler
Lucky you!!! That is a mega good deal :hyper: So much cheaper than here in the UK
Nice pics ~T~, I've been seeing mine once every couple of days. Found a shed skin today :D.

Pic next to the CRS shrimplet is a great comparison.

Nice pics!

Also, HA! I will be getting some soon. 12 for 32$. No shipping charge because the seller allows local pick-up. :D

Curse you *shakes fist*, I'm going to be looking for more (and some CRS) as soon as I rehouse my macros. Doubt I'll be able to match that price though.

You can now join the Micro Crab Club now, assuming pippoodle isnt bitter about your nuclear armageddon threats :D.

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