i got an empty 5 gal with all i need!


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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i got an empty 5 gal tank with every thing i need accept a heater but i could buy 1 for for about £10 but what fish or fishs do you think would be ok for it do you think some white clouds i wont need a heater for them and they are cute. :nod:
I think you should set it up add a heater put in a betta and some corys. If u want White cloud minnows you could add about 4-5 and just watch the water quality.

I think white clouds are ok with bettas. but keep a bowl or temp set up for them ready incase they nip the betta or the betta attacks them, he shouldnt though.

Also add some plants fake or real whatever.

then you could always have a femail set up, heavily planted and about 4femails.

Whatever you think sounds the best.

Here is my 3gal betta set up so far i am going to get some corys or shrimp.

is that a fluval duo filter the very small one and another thing is that tank made by RIO or doesnt it say because mine is :D
It's a hagen elite mini, the tank was sold as an own brand sorta thing in pets at home.
The whole thing u see ther (not the heater) set me back £25 at pets at home not bad eh?
how much was the heater because i had my heater with my tank so i dont know the price how much was yours?

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