I Got A Red Claw Crab

when me and my dad were cleaning out the tank we found the crab in the filter we put it back in and the clown loach eat it so a week ago I got 2 crab and they are doing well good
I take it you're keeping it in a fish tank then?

And not a proper tank actualy designed for the crab? They're not fully aquatic! They need proper tanks with a section of water and a section of land, also the air need to be kept really moist.

Oh and they should never be kept with fish.
I take it you're keeping it in a fish tank then?

And not a proper tank actualy designed for the crab? They're not fully aquatic! They need proper tanks with a section of water and a section of land, also the air need to be kept really moist.

Oh and they should never be kept with fish.

very good, and important advice there 101!

but they are fine with fish. problem is having enough water in a CRAB tank, to keep fish though!
I found mine always 'fished' once the lights went out. They go for anything they could get their claws on.

stranger as they are omnivores, based on an veggy diet. seen them eat dead or dying fish. never even heard of anyone seeing one hunt. indeed, even starving they don't hunt. mind you if threatened, they can defend themselves. but many treat them like some form of carnivore. if you don't feed them veg, what else is the crab going to eat? like crayfish they share similar dietary requirements to a common pleco.

it would be interesting to see some video of this crab, hunting (not eating) fish. I've asked time and time again. not once has anyone ever seen their crab hunting, never mind been able to provide evidence of  it.

but main problem is they should not be in a community tank, not even a brackish one. they are in fact a "LAND" crab. as anyone who has kept them properly will say. they use the water as a toy. viewing it in the same way a teenager does a bath. (necessary evil).
No I totally agree. This was back when I had my first ever tank and first ever fish. I asked the lfs if they were ok with fish 'Yes they're fine' and I also asked if they were fully aquatic 'Yes they are'.
So it was in a community tank and fed crustacean pellets and algae wafers. Tank mates were 3 corys, 6 neons and 3 mollies in a 60l tank.

I wish I could show you the fishing behaviour, it would come out into the open water and literally run up and down for awhile with claws oustretched trying to catch any low swimming fish. It'd also actively chase corys.
Eitherways I don't have one anymore, and I wouldn't want to put another one through that knowing what I know now.
Thinking back I don't even think it was neccesarily defensive...because it wasn't protecting a single area (ie. coming out, chasing and then returning to it's hidey hole), and it was only ever once the lights went out.

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