
Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
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Long island, New York
I got a purple spotted gudgeon today!!! My dad (lucky62) Brought him back along with a pearl gourami and 6 leopard danios (Both for a 55) the gudgeon is in a 30 gallon with a jewel cichlid. One of the danios wasn't looking to well so we tossed him in with the gudgeon (atleast he served a purpose other than helping to fill the cess pool). The danio was swallowed whole. The gudgeon is 4 inches long but can get to seven. He loves live food :fish: :pepsi: . I'll post pics asap. He is the coolest :D :D
Morgurnda Morgurnda are a nice fish, however I wouldn't have feed it an unwell looking dainio as that is likely to transmit the disease or parasite to the gudgeon. Yes they can reach seven inches but five is more likely in the aquarium. Sirminion that is the species pictures however, those haven't developed their full colour.

Good Luck
The colours of both Morgurnda species (M.morgunda and M.adspersa) are greatly affected by the fishes mood, health and surroundings. When the fish are unwell or stressed they will take on a dark grey colour and the red markings will fade, when happy the fish is almost white and the reds and yellows show brightly. If the fish are kept in a tank with a light coloured or no substrate then the fishes markings will fade, they are at their best when kept in a tank with a dark substrate and tank backing.

Here is a pic of my male M.adspersa with a clutch of eggs http://fish.orbust.net/forums/index.php?sh...14196&hl=gobies
Thats the fish , I just checked on him [her] , looks good , spots , color . The substate is a mix of light and dark natural gravel , I think I'll get some more dark gravel . CFC [ nice looking fish you have ], do you have any idea what type of light tube would best show his colors ? I was thinking about one of those beauty light tubes [ reddish tint ]. We put one of my sons JEWEL CICHLIDS [ about the same size] in last night . He raised some fry up , and we kept 6 males and 5 females [ had to split the males from females several months ago ]. Any way we put a female in with the gudgeon [ had trouble waiting]. She has never been alone , so when the gudgeon stops to rest she will come and sit beside him [her?] . Ryan , I understand what you mean about transmiting parasites , but old habbits are hard to stop , he looked a little week and wasn't shoaling at all , I've seen it many times before . He most likely would have been dead this morning any way, from shock ,I suppose . 'it's something I've been doing many years . Thanks everyone .
We put my jewel cihlid in and she stays with him/her every where. She's always had her sisters around until now. We will move another jewel in soon tho. The gudgeon has to perfect his hunting. By the time he gets into ambush position the feeders are on the other side of the tank.It's kind of funny , I don't think he can see as well as my Jewel tho. :)
I have to say that jewel cichlids are not really good tankmates for a morgurnda, jewels are one of the more aggressive small cichlid species and could easily kill the less aggressive and less mobile goby. It may be working for now but i suggest keeping a very close eye on the tank and be prepared to move fish fast if trouble starts.

I just use ordinary household tubes for my lighting, i have experimented with various tubes from the lfs and have come to the conclusion that the fish are good looking enough without needing expensive colour enhancing tubes, which saves me a lot of money since we have 9 tanks!
CFC said:
I have to say that jewel cichlids are not  really good tankmates for a morgurnda, jewels are one of the more aggressive small cichlid species and could easily kill the less aggressive and less mobile goby.  It may be working for now but i suggest keeping a very close eye on the tank and be prepared to move fish fast if trouble starts.

I just use ordinary household tubes for my lighting, i have experimented with various tubes from the lfs and have come to the conclusion that the fish are good looking enough without needing expensive colour enhancing tubes, which saves me a lot of money since we have 9 tanks!
Thanks CFC , we will keep an eye on the Jewels , I've been lucky with them in the past . As long as I didn't have breeders I could keep them ,with other less aggressive cichlids , gouramis even [TRICOGASTER]. I have to say that when the temp gets over 80 degrees they did get pretty aggressive however .These 2 are in a 30 gal tall now , we may step them up to a 40 long eventually.

On the light tubing , thanks you just saved me some money . We have him under the most basic aquarium tube and he does look good . My son posted some pics under "you know you want to " please take a look .This is his post . "dwarfs" . Can you tell from the pics if it's male or female ?

If you think Jewel are to aggressive is there another species of cichlid , or gudeon / goby you could recomend ? OR should we just try and find another mogurnda and keep them in a species .
Morgurndas cannot be easily sexed until they are breeding when the female can be identified by her ovidepositer although when full grown females are larger than males.
I currently keep my male (the female died after their last spawn :( ) in a 40g with some fish that i am growing out before they can be added to my main tank and a pair of pike cichlids, although i would usually keep them in a species tank. Any non to semi aggressive fish that is over 3" will make suitable tankmates.
CFC said:
Morgurndas cannot be easily sexed until they are breeding when the female can be identified by her ovidepositer although when full grown females are larger than males.
I currently keep my male (the female died after their last spawn  :( ) in a 40g with some fish that i am growing out before they can be added to my main tank and a pair of pike cichlids, although i would usually keep them in a species tank.  Any non to semi aggressive fish that is over 3" will make suitable tankmates.
CFC , what type of dentition do the mogurndas have ? I know some fish ridges in the jaw and others have teeth . I see what looks like teeth in his jaw , and if they aren't teeth have any suggestion as to what they may be ?

It has a good appetite, bloodworms , krill , feeder guppies and brine shrimp . The only thing he refused was a tetramin food stick . He appears very healthy and comes out to see my son and I when we are in the room , maybe looking for food , a conditioned response . His ph is neutral , temp 77-78 degrees .

We are watching the jewel , at first my son wanted to put 2 in with him but decided not to after reading your reply . they seem to keep each other company often , no contact physically or aggressive behaviour yet. The mogurnda is always the first to ge the food . We have botia morleti [ 2"]in another tank , onley about half the size of the mogurnda[almost3.5"], would he be a suitable tank mate? If so should he be larger ? thanks for any help .

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