I Got A Parrot


- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
I haven't had a bp in quite awhile.. Didn't plan on buying one, but this guy was stalking me at the store.. Following me from side to side in the tank as I walked by.. I had to get it..

It's living in my 40g square tank with a bunch of snails. It already grabbed a ramshorn snail by the shell, and shook it around in it's mouth like a dog.

It's left the apple snails alone so far, which is good. I do have a haustram that's bigger then he is, so hopefully he will leave them alone for good.

thats not a 100% blood parrot.
its mix because your blood parrots mouth can close.
im thinking your blood parrot was mixed with some other kind of cichlid.
It is definitely a bp... It just has more of a red devil face to it.

It beat the snot out of a croaking gourami, and I saw it attacking the apple snails, so it's in a cichlid tank now. Hopefully the larger cichlids wont kill it.
Its actually a cross with a Convict Cichlid, they are a little more agressive and they breed wonderfully.

Nice fish, maybe you should call him a "Carrot" :rolleyes:
Great looking fish. My male has the same "cats-eyes". I think parrots are fantastic fish and dont deserve any of the bad press.

I'm not sure about it being a parrot x convict, from what i've been told parrot/convict crosses are pretty plain, and yours is anything but! I think it's just a so called "improved strain".
It's definitely just a bloodparrot..

Anyways, the other cichlids beat the snot out of it.. It's not in great shape, but it's in a 10g for now..

Hopefully once it heals up it will be ok in my OTHER cichlid tank..

Impulse moves like this aren't a good idea.
A very submissive severum, a festivum, and a chocolate cichlid. 55g

I figured that since the parrot is so small, the dominant cichlids (festivum and choc) wouldn't consider it a threat and leave it alone. Obviously I was wrong.

It's swimming around the 10g, so I think it will be ok. I think if I re-arrange my other tank while I introduce parrot, they will be fine.

The other tank just has a rainbow cichlid, a ctenepoma, and some silver dollars. 55g as well.
A very submissive severum, a festivum, and a chocolate cichlid. 55g

I figured that since the parrot is so small, the dominant cichlids (festivum and choc) wouldn't consider it a threat and leave it alone. Obviously I was wrong.

It's swimming around the 10g, so I think it will be ok. I think if I re-arrange my other tank while I introduce parrot, they will be fine.

The other tank just has a rainbow cichlid, a ctenepoma, and some silver dollars. 55g as well.
Watch out, sometimes parrots can get massive, 10-12.I guess you already know, but it's more common they get this size then what people think.Mine are great big poo machines. :lol:

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