I got a Golden Nugget Plus a Sail Fin pleco

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I was told to post here and I would be able to get more help with my new comers! I cant seem to get the Golden Nugget to eat no matter what I do its little belly is starting to sin in from not eating. The Two Sail fins are doing good so far I have had them since the 2 of December.Is any one of you guys have any advice for me ?????
Yes, Nuggets are very fond of frozen or live bloodworm, sinking carnivore pellets and fresh zuccini.

They also need wood in the diet which helps with digestion. make sure that there's bogwood in the tank.
Could someone tell me where to buy Bogwood or what does it look like. I am used to common pleco's they are so easy to care for. But I still dont care I have always wanted me a golen Nugget. Those sail fins are so cute too. I finally got what I wanted with these fish, Now I have to learn how to care for them too.. Thanks for all or any help I can get in this matter......!!!!!! :hey: :hey: :dunno: :dunno:

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