I GOT A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 8, 2005
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North Carolina
I went to Wal-Mart tonight, and I tried to be strong, but there she was. She is absolutly beautiful, white body with kinda a maroon finage. If I had a digital camera I'd post a million pics! :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :kana: :drink: :drink: :drink: :band: :band: :drink: :drink: :drink: :pepsi: :hooray: :fish: :music:
Can't wait for pics...are you going to keep her in the 10 gallon with the other female bettas that you plan on getting? I once "rescued" a female betta from Walmart, she was stuck to the filter and very weak. The poor thing had torn fins, but no infection. So I took her home, gave her clean warm water, but it didn't help, she got fungus the next day and the meds I treated her with didn't work :( Yah...sorry for being off topic! I'll stop now :S
I'm just going to get her, her own 1 gallon tank until I get my 10 gallon. I can't tell if it's a plaket, or a veiltail. But I'll try to get some pictures up ASAP.

Now that she's getting settled in her tank, her fins are shining a bright maroon. I just about stopped breating when I saw her at the bottom of all those little tubs.
Hey quick question, does she look anything like teh betta in my sig (it's the only one in a different position)
i have this 'problem' too :*) i only have 2 bettas so far, and they each have their own 2.5 and 3.5g tanks... but i recently went to walmart with my friend and she ended up getting one - thus began my addiction. i decided then and there i wanted one myself, and now everytime i go to a pet store, i look at all the bettas and have to talk myself out of getting them (for now). but i'm already thinking about the next one i want to get...

or 'rescue from walmart' :p

p.s. oppositearmor - i especially like the second one you're planning to get :)
She looks like this

only with maroon fins
and as a bonus you rescued her from Wal-Mart! :cool:
I know I'm really proud of myself for talking my mom into getting one from Wal-Mart instead of a LPS. But she is gorgeous, she's got her appitite, and she's swimming good and all is good.

Now, can you put a male and female together in a 1 gallon tank? And if so how do you know if they want to mate? Should I let them listen to berry white?
:hey: :rofl:

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