I Got A Baby Fish....


New Member
Aug 6, 2009
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The other night my wife told me to come and look, she had seen a small fish..

Well this morning I found it, netted it and is currently in the breeding trap as one or two of the danios where starting to chase it about.... Looks to me as its a baby guppy.. but theres only one. weve had a look in the tank, not more :unsure: maybe trhe others ended up as a snack for someone..

One the basis of this, I now hit a problem, with the breeding trap in use, we have other fish that are going to be giving birth soon and I really dont wanna leave the fry in an well planted tank....... I want just more that one fish... Have nt another tank

I was thinking of knocking up type of plastic tub to sit on the bottom of the tank, so that the fry have a half decent chance of getting in there before coming a snack... or the other idea is fix the tub to the side of the tank so that I canplace the one fry I have in it to release the breeding trap
Congrats :good:

A makeshift tank of a tub or bucket with an airstone in will do,or like i done with my tiny cory fry,i fix a small sandwich box with clothes pegs on the top of the tank,if you rest the edges on the corners of your main tank to give it some support then hold in place with pegs,you will need to change the water daily.i put an airstone in there to aid circulation.

You probably will find more fry,they're very good at hiding :rolleyes:

Or you could get another breeding trap,depending how big your tank is :)
If you have guppy fry, have a close hard look at the gravel in your tank, especially right near the tank corner and at the corner formed buy the substrate and the glass sides. Unless the zebras have been very efficient, you will likely find 4 or 5 more fry.
An option for future fry is to just catch them from the main part of the tank and put them in the breeder as they are born. You won't be able to save them all, but guppies will produce more fry than you can ever find room to care for anyway.

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