i got 6 guppies, and one already died


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
New York
i didnt get any otos, since they only had one.
They didnt have any neon tetras either, but they had cardinal tetras, and every single cardinal tetra in the tank had ich, so i didnt buy them.
I ended up getting 6 guppies though, since my sister made me get 6 instead of 3, but now we wont get any neon tetras, since i didnt really want them, anyway(my sister picked them).

So, this is what happened:
We went to the store, and asked a lady to get us some fish.
SHe came over and we said we wanted guppies.
Then I pointed to where it said "oto cats" on the tank wall, and asked if they had any of them ,since i couldnt find them in the tank.
So, the lady said something about not working in that secion of the store, and called over another lady. The other lady pointed out where it was, and sai they only had one.
So, Iasked whenthey would get more, and she said on Tuesday. Theyn she went and the lady asked me why im not buying just one, and i said that i think they have to be in groups.
She said something like, well, if u say that, im not going to argue.
Then she called the lady over again and asked her if cat fish have to be in groups, and she ssaid "No, not at all."
The the lady went, and she started fishing out the males, and then we somehow ended up getting 3 males and 3 females.

-I forgot to buy plant fertilizer, so ill but it when i go back for the otos.
-That store had painted tetras, and one lady was actually buying them.
I was going to say something, but she probably wouldnt have listened to a kid anyway. (The people who work at the store know these fish better than I do, of couse).

Now, one fsh, one with a tigerish tail died.

And the other fish keep nipping eachother and the plants, and always look like theyre looking for something.
Is this normal?
This is normal, they sometimes do that, but it would probably have been better to get maybe 2 males and 4 females because males tend to get aggresive with each other.
Well, now its 2 males and 3 females.
Its usually one of the males nipping one female.

Is it normal for them to try to eat the plants? (usually the baby's tears or wisteria)
It is normal and healthy for them to forage on the live plants - even on plastic plants and ornaments as there are often unseen algea and life forms there that they will graze on. It is also normal for them to touch one another. Often the males will "nip" or nudge the females to find out if they are receptive to breeding. I am sorry that you lost the one male but I wouldn't be too horribly concerned yet as the stress of moving and change can kill weaker fish. If the others are all healthy and doing well then you have made a successful purchace.
Glad that you did not get the cardinals as they can be quite sensitive and really only do well in a well established tank. If they were already diseased you would have very little chance of helping them survive...
Congrats on the new guppies. I bet they are beautiful and they will appreciate your live plants!!!

fishyyy said:
Well, now its 2 males and 3 females.
Its usually one of the males nipping one female.

Is it normal for them to try to eat the plants? (usually the baby's tears or wisteria)
Well their probably just tying to eat algae off the plants.
I think one male's dorsal fin got longer.
is this possible??
if it is, is it normal??
fishyyy said:
I think one male's dorsal fin got longer.
is this possible??
if it is, is it normal??
What do you mean by longer? Maybe he just put it up.
Well, it looks longer to me.
Maybe it was always that long...
But I dont remember it being that long...
Oh well, forget i ever said that, then.

Its a fancy guppy, and it has a long flowing dorsal fin.
Oh, and just for future reference, when you buy guppies, you should buy 2 females per male. :D
Now, two of the guppies are usually smimming in one space, though i know theyre capable of smiiming faster, since i checked by putting a net in near them.

And half of one female's tail looks like its covered with a white filmish thing.
From the way you've talked I would check with another store for the ottos and any further needs you might have. It does not sound like they take care of there fish at all.... :-(

As for the whitish film, I don't know. But somebody here surely has an idea.
Well, the tail is blue and the bottom half of it and some of the part where the tail is connected to the body is kind of white.

Im pretty sure it wasnt like that before.

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