i got 2 bettas male and femael

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Jun 24, 2005
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today i know it was bad but i bought 2 from wall mart a crown tail blue female and a white male i just had to have the male i never seen a white one before i put the male and the female both in the tank together they both get alone female is full of eggs what should i do when to you thin they will spawn ??? ill post pictures soon
If I were you, I wouldn't spawn them. They had no resarch done on their background, they're form Wal-mart, which doesn't provide teh bes cared for. They're probably too old and you aren't guaranteed anything. :no:
Please take them out, you have not even conditioned them yet! :eek: I'm not going to try and talk you out of breeding them, I'm assuming you know how terribly hard it is, be prepared to have no life for the next little while.
acualy there young and i have done i once it was about oh god about 5 years about these guys are about 3 to 4 months old ill post pictures now and the water sad for 3 days i have put med in the water before putting them in and i also put ick away in the water also so im not wanting to breed them just they are getting along so well not fighting swimming together
OMFG :blink:

PLEASE remove the female from the tank! 1) you have not conditioned them. Breeding is a very hard ordeal for both the male and the female. The male will go without eating for several days. They need to be conditioned for at LEAST 2 weeks with high quality frozen and live foods! 2) they are from Wal*Mart! there's, like, a 99% chance that they both have finrot, ick, torn fins, or other diseases already. ONLY extremely healthy fish should be rbed. 3) your SN is Clueless... you obviously don't know much about Betta breeding, and haven't researched this. Do you have a 30-50gal tank set up from growing the fry out? Do you have a 5-10gal with live plants for the spawn and babies? Do you have microworm and vinegar eel cultures for the babies? Do you know 100 people or a reliable club that WILL take these babies in?

WHY are you breeding? You just got these Bettas, you obviously know nothing abotu them, please please don't... its definitely in your best interest, and the Bettas. :X
umm like why dose it bother you what i do with them yes i got a lfs that will buy them and i took them there and the guy said they are heathy to breed and yes i have a 50 gallon ok what more you wanna know ?
Well, first of all, she cares because you asked. It is all true information, I think she would know, she does breed! You do have to condition them for 2 weeks, and put the female in a glass chimey before. And if it was 5 years ago that you bred, you may need to refresh your mind a bit.
ok just to make you all happy ill do so ok here are the pictures
Clamped fins? :huh:

Oh no, not more Veil Tails... if you are going to breed irresponsibly, at least breed something that has an actual demand.

Also, if you don't want people disagreeing with your actions, simply don't post it on a public message board, since the purpose is to talk. -_-
I don't know what pet store said they were healthy. They both look like they have clamped fins to me. There is no way to be sure what color the fry will be, because you don't know what color the parents were. For all you know, the white could have been the only in a green Marble, bf spawn, and the Blue could be from a red blue mix. If that is the case you would just end up with a bunch of mixed colors. (Not Good) 1 thing is for sure, Veil is dominant, so you wil get a bunch of veil, or veil Ct mixes. Either way, those can be found in any pet store dying by the hundreds. :-( If you want to breed take the time to do it right.

You asked for advise. Everyone here is just thinking of the best interest of your fish. A MALE, AND FEMALE SHOULD ONLY BE KEPT TOGETHER FOR BREEDING.
AND ONLY WHEN THEY ARE READY, AND HAVE BEEN PROPERLY CONDITIONED. They may be fine right now. Then you may wake up in a couple of days/weeks, to 1 or 2 DEAD fish.
Just a little side note...your white boy may not stay white. I bought a white boy and a week later he has mabled turquoise and dark red fins...beautiful! but not white. I've heard of that happening quite a bit.
Oh, that just reminded me. I got a WHITE rosetail. Now 3 months later, he has a metallic peach body. I love his new look, but he isn't all white anymore.
I'm not even going to bother trying to talk some sense into you, because it's pretty obvious that you're unwilling to listen to the good advice you're being given. All I'll say is that those are some pretty soon-to-be-dead/injured bettas. It's a shame.

What size is that tank, anyway? It looks way too small from where I'm sitting.

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