I Gave Ichi Back..

I would go back for him, if he hasnt been culled already to be honest, LFS are a business at the end of the day and tend not to keep sick fish. Even if they did some idiot will proberbly buy him and stick him in a bowl like 90% of bettas bought from pet shops.
Sorry if that sounds harsh but i think you should have kept trying, one of my boys was bought with terrible fin rot, white spot and god knows what else, and a year later he still isnt 100% fixed.

Anyway i hope you disinfected everything for your new boy, actually he is almost identical to one of mine!
I'm afraid I have to agree with the majority on this one. IMO no lfs is going to give the care to a sick fish that I could and will most likely cull unfortunately. As breeders we do end up with some fish that have problems and if we can't rehome them, we keep them ourselves and give them the best possible chance at life. We have a 5/6 week old fry at the moment with a crooked spine that is in the shape of an S. He's actually one of the biggest in a batch of 80 so he'll be given the same chance as the rest and if no one wants him we'll keep him!!!!

We all have had fish that have gotten sick and the majority of us will seek advice and do the best we can for those fish!!!
:sad: this is sad...

but i guess some people dont get as attached to fish as others, but if he was sick and you loved him give him time!

good luck with the new ones.
Not going to get into the discussion on if you should have taken him back or not, but you did ask for name suggestions for your new guy so here is mine:


That's just the first name that popped into my head when I saw his picture.

Good luck with him and your new girls!!!
i think you did the right thing. people are so overly-dramatic about fishes here.. honestly, it's not the end of the world. there's worst stuff happening out there.

your new fish look really good!
i think you did the right thing. people are so overly-dramatic about fishes here.. honestly, it's not the end of the world. there's worst stuff happening out there.

Of course they are "overly-dramatic", you are on a FISH forum! People here are passionate about their fish, and their fish mean a lot to them. A lot of people here put a lot of time, money, effort, and most of all, EMOTION into their fish. Yes, it's not the end of the world (But it probably is for that poor fish!) and there is worse things happening in the world, but this isn't a World News Forum. It's a FISH forum. So it IS a big deal to some people.

Fish ARE living, breathing creatures you know. And when you take them home, into your care, they are YOUR responsibility. For better or worse, thru SICKNESS and in health.


And to the OP, did you ever go back to the store yet to see if he was still there? If so, you could've gotten him back. You said how horrible that fish store was to begin with, and if they sold you a sick fish, I highly doubt they'll put any effort into treating a sick fish. You were doing a better job than they would even attempted to do. If you haven't yet, I'd still go up to the store and get him back, if he's still there.
I personally dont think you should of taken the fish back as it will more than likely be dead by now!

However I am just wondering if you have cleaned the tank out fully before you put the new guy in it because I was under the impression that diseases travelled in the water so you could end up with a fish with exactly the same problem!! Just a thought!
good point lexi, blimey thats not like you to come out with something like this :rolleyes: :lol:

Ha ha I do occasionally have my pearls of wisdom! its very rare but it does happen!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well said Bellpepper! However I do feel that rrrr is a TROLL because everyone knows what kind of reaction that sort of comment will get on a FISH forum!!!
Theres a troll that lives under a bridge by my house......did you know? :blink:
LOL!! no I live under a bridge as far away from Razzle Dazzle as I could get!! LMAO!!! Dont worry Devorax it takes alot to offend me!!
This thread has gone WAAAAAY off track now...lol

So, DreyOfAud, did you ever go back to see if Ichi was there? What happened?

Edit: Typos....lol

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