I Gave Ichi Back..


Fish Fanatic
Mar 23, 2009
Reaction score
California, USA
I don't know if this was the right thing to do, but I gave Ichi back to the pet shop. The place I bought him from is notorious for selling sick fish, and he had been showing signs of his condition ever since I bought him. I feel bad.. I couldn't make him better. Nothing I did worked. It is my hope that they can fix him, or give him to someone else who can do a better job than I did. I just couldn't stand watching him suffer any more. I failed him.

I visited a different pet shop today and looked through a fresh assortment of new Bettas they had just got in. I couldn't help myself and bought another one. He's a beautiful red veiltail with flowing white fins. Not sure what to name him yet.


I also bought 2 adorable females and a new tank for them. The pinkish one is Peaches and the blue one is Dory.



Let's hope I do better with these fish instead. They seem very healthy and active, although Dory had some pretty huge stress lines when I first brought her home.
hmmm, im not sure what to make of it all to be honest. Why buy from a shop that is well known for selling sick fish? and why on earth take him back there? :blink: I am sorry to sound very harsh but I personally dont think you should've taken him back.....theres so much more i could say on the matter but.................?

are these new females in the same tank as this new male you have?
Taking a sick fish back does sound a little mean lol!

But hey, #### happens i guess, im sure it was for the right reasons. You new male is pretty cool though, and the oranage female
Taking a sick fish back does sound a little mean lol!

But hey, #### happens i guess, im sure it was for the right reasons. You new male is pretty cool though, and the oranage female
The betta was having ups and downs and somethings were helping and other things werent. it just seems to me that the fish needed that extra bit of attention, so what! ive got bettas here ive had for over 12months that are not perfect but they never go anywhere but stay with me. I suppose we are all different in how we deal with things but i couldnt give a betta that had health issues to someone who obviously doesnt care about the fish. I'm strange in my ways though, I've got an over sensitive soft spot for bettas.
I had no idea the shop was known for selling sick fish until this all happened. Every shop I've been to since tells me not to buy from there. I actually didn't know where the fish was from to be honest- my mother surprised me with him. She brought him home while I was gone on a trip. She picked a sick one.. poor Ichi. I just couldn't do anything to improve his condition. She kind of forced me to do something about him. She kept saying she was going to flush him! I didn't want to be responsible if that happened, so I figured it was best to place him into someone else's hands. They were very eager to take him back, and said he seemed lively and healthy, except for the fact he couldn't swim down. I feel horrible about it, but I guess it's just a fish and I shouldn't freak out so much.

I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.. I just hope they can help Ichi better than I could. I won't buy from that shop again.

It's nice to see a fish enjoying the tank we originally bought for Ichi. He never swam around in it or anything.. he just spent all his time hanging on for dear life, wedged up against the wall as he floated. This new fish is swimming around, looking at all the decorations, popping in and out of the rock and the log.. I got a new live plant for the tank too that he seems to really like.

I'm sorry if I let you all down. I let myself down, and I let Ichi down too. I never would have bought him in the first place, but these things happen I guess.
I feel for you, my oscar is doing terribly right now and i don't know what to do...i think he is going to die, i would have given him back too the LFS has a more extensive medicine cabinet and besides its hard to deal with something if its dieing thats just the human way.
honestly my storm was from a similar situation, he has turned into a wonderful little companion for me. on the other end i can see where aud is coming from. i have also bought two petsmart bettas, both which had very short lives in comparison to the lfs bought ones. since one of them was my very first betta it broke my heart to loose him. so i can see both sides, trying to spare yourself the pain, but part of him may always wonder.
still your new betta family is pretty, but i suggest you retrieve your other little guy and try to do the best by him. its up to you, either way.
but I guess it's just a fish and I shouldn't freak out so much

Oh that is such the wrong attitude to have. You do NOT want to say that in these forums... specially in the betta section where people get VERY attached to their bettas.

I responded to your other thread not seeing this one.
I'm really sorry you felt that giving him back was your only option left. It so sounded like you were gonna get him better.

I don't mean to make you feel worse, but I dunno..... as ppl have said.. mixed feelings about this.

Your new bettas are lovely though.
still your new betta family is pretty, but i suggest you retrieve your other little guy and try to do the best by him. its up to you, either way.

I keep throwing the idea around actually.. I wonder if he's still there. I was thinking about finding an excuse to go and see him tomorrow..
Gonna add my 2 cents, which sadly will be more of the same.

I personally wouldn't have brought him back, more then likely he'll end up dying there if he hasn't been disposed of already. But I'm a sucker for animals.
If I were you I would set him up a small tank and just attempted to work with his issues.

Not trying to make you feel guilty though. You did what you thought was right.
I would never take a fish back. If they are ill most shops just cull them! I am sorry if that sounds mean to say that to someone but it is just my opinion. My thoughts are if the fish is ill just try to make them comfortable to end their days being loved. Sorry but thats how I think.
I have just got upset as I have lost my last african land snail and some folks think that is madness but I cant help it.
I personally dont think you should of taken the fish back as it will more than likely be dead by now!

However I am just wondering if you have cleaned the tank out fully before you put the new guy in it because I was under the impression that diseases travelled in the water so you could end up with a fish with exactly the same problem!! Just a thought!
I personally dont think you should of taken the fish back as it will more than likely be dead by now!

However I am just wondering if you have cleaned the tank out fully before you put the new guy in it because I was under the impression that diseases travelled in the water so you could end up with a fish with exactly the same problem!! Just a thought!
good point lexi, blimey thats not like you to come out with something like this :rolleyes: :lol:
:( I think the OP made a decision that in hindsight might not have been the best. but we all do that sometimes, it's what makes us human.
Personally I think I would go back for him and try again, from what i know about LFS, most of them only treat illness very half heartedly at best. The fish are bought in by them so cheaply that they don't really care either way. If you can get him back, Drey, and set up a small tank for him with lowered water level as he is having problems swimming, then set up a thread just for him and keep us informed, people on this forum have helped me out many times with sick fish and on this section of the forum especially, we will all chip in to try to help.
If he has gone, then try not to beat yourself up about it too much... you will have learned a valuable lesson and so will others on this forum reading the post... the lesson being, most LFS just DO NO care about the welfare of their fish, NEVER presume them to be the experts. :) Some LFS exempt however, take Modaz for instance :)
:( I think the OP made a decision that in hindsight might not have been the best. but we all do that sometimes, it's what makes us human.
Personally I think I would go back for him and try again, from what i know about LFS, most of them only treat illness very half heartedly at best. The fish are bought in by them so cheaply that they don't really care either way. If you can get him back, Drey, and set up a small tank for him with lowered water level as he is having problems swimming, then set up a thread just for him and keep us informed, people on this forum have helped me out many times with sick fish and on this section of the forum especially, we will all chip in to try to help.
If he has gone, then try not to beat yourself up about it too much... you will have learned a valuable lesson and so will others on this forum reading the post... the lesson being, most LFS just DO NO care about the welfare of their fish, NEVER presume them to be the experts. :) Some LFS exempt however, take Modaz for instance :)
thanks tibby.....

I personally dont think he will be there anymore though.

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