I Gave Ichi Back..

This thread has gone WAAAAAY off track now...lol

So, DreyOfAud, did you ever go back to see if Ichi was there? What happened?

Edit: Typos....lol
yes im waiting for the answer too. troll or no troll :lol:
GREAT NEWS! Ichi's fine!

Okay.. so I went back and didn't find him there. I was very sad and hoped for the worst. I asked the man at the counter and he looked around the back room, but he didn't find him either. He instead told me to call back today, because the woman I gave Ichi to would be in. I just got home from class and so I gave them a call. The woman said that Ichi looked very healthy and he was fine. He just had a back problem of some sort. She found him a home with a boy who really liked the fish.

I guess that's why he never got better.. it was just the way he was. That explains a lot. I'm glad Ichi found a home with someone who accepted him for what he was- a defective, but beautiful fish. I don't have to worry about him any more.

And yes, I did clean out the tank. He didn't have a disease though, so my other fish is doing just great. Absolutely great.

I want to thank you all for your compassion and your suggestions/advice in helping Ichi. I really appreciate it. You've all been very patient with me. I'm sorry that I gave him back.. I didn't recognize the problem because it is so rare. I thought it was something that I was doing, so I didn't want to hurt Ichi any more. It was really stressing me out. I would spend the entire day by his side, trying to help him. I was getting absolutely obsessive about Ichi's condition, and it was making me depressed. It was also getting in the way of my school and home-life, so I gave him back to the shop to see if someone else could take better care of him.

Now, I don't want to offend anyone here, but I do wish to say a few things. I am a member of this forum because I deeply value all of your opinions. It's the reason I signed up in the first place! I love discussing fish and talking to experts and other hobbyists. Please don't yell at me for my opinions. Everyone is entitled to one, and you aren't going to change my opinions by yelling at me. (I don't think that anyone has yelled at me or anything, but I have read a few threads where there's been some roughness towards others.)

I just wanted to say that I wish you all weren't so harsh to some people. Some people have different opinions about fish. It's okay. We don't have to yell at anyone about it. It's not like we're going to change their minds that way. I love fish. They're great. I'm actually studying to become a marine biologist, possibly an ichthyologist, because I love them so much. Unfortunately, this means you have to kill a lot of fish in order to study them. It's just the way it is. It's sad, I know, but animals die every day so that humans can live. Humans have been living this way for thousands (perhaps millions) of years. But, this does NOT mean that we shouldn't value our animals or mistreat them on purpose. I have many fish as pets, and I love them all to death, and I do get emotional when they die because it was my fault- their little lives are in my hands. And animals are VERY important. Our earth is a delicate system, and by taking out just one species, you change an entire ecosystem. I value animals and try to protect them (I don't even hurt the snails in my garden) but they are still just animals. I don't believe that they have souls. They are here to inhabit the earth and to help humans to be prolific.

This is just my belief.. I'm not trying to make anyone angry, and I really hope I haven't offended anyone by saying what my beliefs are. I'm not saying anyone else has to think like this.. all I'm saying is that some people DO think like this. Is it really that wrong to have this mindset? I think rrrr needs to be cut some slack. he/she obviously wouldn't be on this forum if he/she didn't really care for his/her Betta. I've read his/her posts and he/she sounds genuinely interested in keeping his/her Betta fish happy and healthy. I don't think rrrr's a troll.. I dunno.. I'm just surprised at how many people got so upset over the one little comment that rrrr made. I've noticed that a lot of us on this forum are young, but I think we should at least try to stay mature and honor each other's thoughts.

So that's that.. Wow.. I didn't mean for this post to be so long.. sorry everyone! Thanks for reading. :)

Oh, and Flag is a cute name. I'll consider it. Thanks for looking at my pictures of the new ladies and my new little guy!

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