I Found This Good Web Site That Tells You If Your Tank Is Overstocked


Fish Fanatic
Dec 18, 2011
Reaction score
newcastle upon tyne
hi all i found this sight can any one tell me if it is any good it will tell you if your fish are compatable with your tank or are compatable with each other
this is what it said about my tank


Note: Gold Nugget Pleco L018 is a juvernile form of L085.
Warning: Gold Nugget Pleco L018 is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 35.6 cm.
Suggestion: If you want to keep more than 1 Molly, minimum recommend male to female ratio is 1:2 (M:F). You will be less likely to experience problem if you get even more females.
Warning: At least 5 x Danio erythromicron are recommended in a group.
Warning: Your selected species may eventually require 110% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. Try removing some of (Cardina multidentata, Baryancistrus sp. L018, Golden ampullaria) or get a larger tank.

Recommended temperature range: 77 - 80.6 F.
Recommended pH range: 7 - 7.5.
Recommended hardness range: 11 - 15 dH.

Your aquarium filtration capacity is satisfactory.

Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is 106%.
Recommended water change schedule: 32% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 103%.


thanks for looking
Total BS it says rehome the shrimp and snails :S they are the best thing for that tank.

oops i did not no that can you tell me why

Because it gives out wrong information.
All of those websites are kinda bullcrap, honestly. They give pretty bad information. And it's blocked because you're not allowed to advertise fish websites on here.
I just used this website and it told me I had a 3% filtration rate and my stocking was 1500% with a few species
IMHO I would never struts those websites, I would rather come on here and ask those things. And have multiple opinions and see what the best is instead of going on a calculator website like that
I've used it, its 'ok' as a rough guide, but thats all.

The reason its blocked on here is because its an 'unsafe' website well known for bugs and holes etc.
That's what I use it for,a very rough guide. Then I'll do "fine tuning" here.
I've used it, among other sites, as a rough guide as well, mainly for the compatibilities. I didn't know it was against the rules to mention it on this forum. Makes sense now, why it wouldn't allow me to copy/paste the website! :blush:
hi all i found this sight can any one tell me if it is any good it will tell you if your fish are compatable with your tank or are compatable with each other

as you have found. many of these sites are worse than USELESS.
Furthermore why do you need a website to tell you your overstocked? :S

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