I found how to do good, quick water changes!


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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Ok, not the most exiting thing ever. But I think its a good system if you only have 1 or two bettas. Heres what I did-
1. Take off lid (duh!). Scoop up betta in a measuring jug. Cover if your betta jumps, and put in a small mirror to keep him occupied.
2. Turn off filter and heater. Use the gravel vac to take out the water quickly and get rid of the crud on the bottom.
3. Get rid of old water, fill bucket with new water. Add dechlorinator, and put water back in tank. Turn on filter and heater.
4. Here's the clever bit IMO. Take the mirror out of the measuring jug, and float the jug in the water. Use the handle to anchor it to the side. This helps equallise the water temperature. Then leave until temperature is about the same and let the betta swim out.

Sorry for wasting your time :p If your wondering why I took the betta out, its because I wanted to vacuum the gravel and I'm a bit clumsy :)
Good idea ^^ I always do pretty much the same, though I don't usually equalize the temperature (I leave the betta in and take out 75% of the water) as I've managed to always get within a degree or so. Well, that and, 6 bettas, 3 goldies, and an algae eater is a lot of tanks :lol:
Great advice though, and a very safe and efficient way to change the water ^^
It is always better to use AGED water that already dechlorinated rather than new water. :p
Yes my tanks cycled. I do almost 100% once a week because I overfeed(not my fault, its the blooming betta food. It comes out whenever you open the lid...) and because I basicly don't do anything to the tank all the rest of the week. And the problem with aging tap water is that the tanks in my room, I only have one bucket and I am severly limeted by floor space.
since ya have a bucket why not fill it with water to age it and syphon the waste water out the window :p my bushes out front love it in the summer when I do it that way with my big tanks :lol:
Why not just shake some betta food out in your hand, instead of over the tank? -_-

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