I found him


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
My newest VT, Apache, is boring as heck! He's not unhealthy or anything, nice finnage, flares, eats, but just lazy! I've heard so many people say that they hate bettas because they just sit there and I think "are ya crazy?" Well, they must've owned ones just like Apache. Beautiful, but boring :rolleyes:
My new crowntail is a bit lazy as well. Maybe he was too used to his little cup! :crazy:
:lol: :lol: I've got a gal like that. Doesn't move around a whole lot... just kinda hangs around and waits for me to feed her. Occasionally she has spurts of energy, but they're rare. Cracks me up. Guess I'm just so used to the hyper ones, a lazy one is actually kinda fun. :p
yeah, my first betta is so funny, jumping and swimming around and he flares when he sees his reflection (either by the tank or mirror). my second however, just lays in the plants or under the bubble stone unless being fed. he doesn't even go after his reflection! it's pretty funny. but both are happy and healthy!
They are not lazy. They just know who is master. ;) They know they have a servant at their every beck and call. :)
Itty Bitty Betta said:
They are not lazy. They just know who is master. ;) They know they have a servant at their every beck and call. :)
I will have to agree to that. Two of mine only move when they know I'm about the feed them. I'm a slave to my own pets!

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