I Found Away To Cycle A Tank In 2 Weeks!

these guys have been doing this for years...seriously if there were an easier way don't you think they'd have done it already!
you ain't gonna win this one, and they are not willing to risk their fish on a whimsical idea that hasnt been tested by thousands of experienced aquarists
Thats why you try it. lmao its all about how you order the steps
First of all by using your ammonia blocker your adding unnecessary chemical agents to the tank. Where as you could have a 100% SAFE fishless cycle, or a fast cycle with mature media and no chemicals. Why do you need your one time tested cycle?
how about using mature media? instant cycle anyone?

Yes, we have found a way to cycle a tank in as long as it takes to fill it. With a hose running at 5gpm to fill cycling is measured in minutes.
Please do not discourage experimenting LilyRose. I instantly cycle my tanks by cloning them but I am always ready to learn a better method for someone who does not have access to mature media. The methods we use today were laughed at not very many years ago and still are by many fish keepers from my generation. I am one of those in the hobby that stays open to learning new ways to do things but not all people are. These days my fish are healthy all the time, which I could not say 20 years ago. I believe, without any real proof, that the change is because I have learned from other people who were willing to experiment.
There's absolubtly nothing wrong with experimenting, and nothing should ever be written off at face value. On the other hand, an experiment should be controlled and all any extraneous factors should be accounted for, before making such a bold claim.

In this case, the use of "zeolite pack for the first week" raises alarm bells for me straight away.

It's like the old saying goes "Always keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out"

I'm not in a position to run tests on this method, so I can't call it for definate either way. I can however begin to speculate as to why the cycle is not complete.

Kind regards

Going back to the start here.

Week 1 to use zeolite (post #12)

Then after that, say to use active carbon (post #1)

Yes these will remove the toxins from the water so your correct.
However you would be paying out quite a lot of cash each year to replace these every 7 days or so (Zeolite can be recharged though).

Some of us you have 5-50 tanks this is out the question.
It also rules out having live plants in the system, well not living for long anyway.

Personally i don't like using carbon and if you cycle or clone tanks and use a good filter then your have much better fish.
the guy who started fishless cycling chris cow says in his article not to use products like prime during cycling as prime turns ammonia into ammonium which could have adverse affects on the cycle

What do u suggest then? Stress coat?

for a declorinator
no to cycle a tank if you have no mature media to place in the new filter....... :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
i cycled mine new without any seeded material everthing was new i just dosed the ammonia and let it run its course the only thing that helped my cycle along was that as it was cycling i added some live plants my cycle took 6 weeks but i wasnt in a rush plus i new it would take longer because my pH is 6.0 so the bacteria works much slower
the guy who started fishless cycling chris cow says in his article not to use products like prime during cycling as prime turns ammonia into ammonium which could have adverse affects on the cycle

What do u suggest then? Stress coat?

surely you dont need to add dechlorinator as theres no fish in there and chlorine evaporates in 24 hours.
Dechlorinator is not need if all that is in the water is simple chlorine. If the water starts with chloramine, it is not removed by letting the water just stand out. It will still be present and preventing bacterial growth a week later. If your objective is to allow bacteria to grow, such as when cycling a filter, a method of dechlorinating, before placing water in contact with the bacterial colony is a necessity, not an option. Although there is some disagreement over whether a dechlorinator is needed when dealing with a mature cycled filter and fish, there is no disagreement that the chlorine is specifically added to your water supply to prevent the growth of bacteria in the water that you will drink. To ignore that simple fact is a recipe for failure.
Quit frankly I have seen Haeven (sp?) other posts and I think we have a troll.

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