I Found A Single Cory Fry In My Main Tank :d First Batch 2 Weeks And 2


Fish Addict
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
west midlands,uk
i was gazing into my tank this morning and spotted a fry. i thought, no way! surly not!! but yep, one single fry survived the high current my corys and plecos love, the high suction rate my filters have and most of all, FRANK! frank is my talking cat and he eats anything he can fit in his mouth :lol: they are notorious for eating tiny fish so im surprised snoopy ( the fry ) has managed to make it.

i should explain that i took 90% of the peppered cory eggs out of my main tank and left the rest in there as they were attached to my heater.

i hope snoopy makes it :good: i dont really want to risk moving him in case he dosent react well to the water in the fry tank. so its a case of wishing him luck and hoping for the best. he does seem alot bigger than the ones in my fry tank but that maybe because there is alot more food around? im not sure if im feeding enough in my fry tank or too little. i dont want to spoil the water quality and at the same time i want the fry to eat well. i use ground flake at breakfast, then minced micro blood worms at lunch time, then a crushed algae wafer at dinner time and finally a crushed cat pellet before i go to bed...too much? they seem to love the foods i feed and go mental for the pellet and worms :lol:

anyway, all the fry seem to be doing very well :D and a rough count is 80 so far, its hard to count them as they move about so much!. they are all peppered corys as they have the black line from there mouth to there eyes and spots on there bodys. i cant see any bronze fry so im guessing there are not any bronze fry. i did spot the bronze trying to spawn with the peppered but it must have been in vain as there are no cross bred fry, well as far as i can tell :blink:

the second and third batch never made it :( not sure what went wrong but somthing did. the water temp was 25c ( same as the first fry tank ) i had 2 air stones also. the only difference was that i used sand from my main tank, i did clean it first. maybe these where the cross bred fry? guess i will never know what happened :sad: rip little guys.

i have found out how to trigger the corys into spawning :cool: doesnt take much doing but is it wrong to play god? im guessing that yes it is BUT... if i leave them to it i will be over run with fry tanks and so many corys that i couldnt house them or sell them that quick! would you like to know how i do it? sure you do! :lol: .....................

ok so to trigger MY corys into spawning i do as follows...

first of all i drop the water level to about 60% for 3 days then i do a serious of water changes over 2 days. first water change is 25%, 2nd is 40% and the 3rd is about 30%, bringing the water level back to the top.. i lower the temp by 1 degree c over the 2 days. on the 2nd water change i feed extra pellet and also micro blood worms too.on the 3rd i feed just micro blood worms. by the end of the 5th day they are spawning.

to stop them spawning i raise the temp back up 1 degree c and feed as normal, micro blood worms once a week, but franks loves them so i drop half a cube in front of his cave and he thinks its his birthday every other day :lol: . ive tried it 2 times since the first batch of eggs and had batch 2 and 3. i dont want to mess with them too much as they are housed with pleco's and frank, the talking cat. i removed the red eyed tetras as they were bugging my corys too much so they went to a new home, bloody things!! no more tetras for me :p

sorry for the long read :fun:
lol I read all of it, good luck to Snoopy, I hope he makes it, and good luck to you with all of your cory fry! :)

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