I finally got pics of my boys!


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2005
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I got three new betta boys earlier this week. I finally got some pictures. Sorry for the bad quality, my digicam isn't that great.

Bob is very active, and doesn't like to sit still for pictures, this was the only semi clear pic I could take

This is Dopey, he got his name by getting stuck in one of the plants in the tank within 5 minutes of being put in the tank

And this is Goldie, my three year old daughter named him, and insists on taking care of him every day. I am not allowed to feed him without her, because as she says, "that's my job mom, he's my Goldie!"

Another of Goldie, he is so curious, he swims to the front of the tank whenever he sees the camera

And another, he was flaring at his tank mate, Dopey. They are in a 10G with a divider, and lots of plants on each side

I think that Bob and Dopey may be VT's crossed with CT, if that is possible. Goldie was sold to me as a fancy Betta, I think he may be CT, but I am not sure. He may have VT in him too.
I will post pics of the 10G as soon as I get batteries. I killed them last night taking pictures.

I saw the pics of your split tank BettaMomma, and I really liked it. I haven't found another divider so I can do something similar, so right now it is only only one. I have to go to Petsmart today to get my neice a birthday present, so I will look while I am there, I love your idea, because they are separated more. Dopey and Goldie spend a lot of time flaring at eachother. I don't think they are unhappy, but I don't want one to try to jump into the others side and cause a fight.

I put three really tall plants right against the divider on both sides, so they don't constantly have to see eachother. They also have smaller plants that they can rest on if they want. I am looking for caves also, but I haven't found any that are smooth enough. Can I use terra cotta pots?
Wow, Bob is just rainbow-licious!! :drool: Very gorgeous fish,they look very happy :)
Here is a pic of my split 10G

And here is one more

As you can see, they like to hide.

And here is a pic of the surprise Dopey left me today

I was so excited, that was my first bubble nest! Bob has started to make one, but I couldn't take pics of it, they didn't turn out.

I just added a bubble filter to Bob's tank, he doesn't like it much, but I needed to circulate the water because I added salt. He seems to have a touch of fin rot. Is there anything else I should be doing? He temp is at about 75 right now.

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