I Finally Got Fish!


Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
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Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
I finally got some fish into my new 30 gallon aquarium!!! :yahoo: :hyper:

It's currently stocked with the following:
1xClown Plecostomus
1xArmored Bichir
1xMarbled Sand Goby

I'll be adding some banjo cats and a small eel next week.

I'll get pictures posted as soon as I find my camera, my mom hid it after I forgot in the middle of the floor and forgot where she hid it! :crazy:

i hope ur planning to upgrade otherwise correct me if im wrong but that will be overstocked
Well the armored bichir you will need a 55g, the marbled sand goby (according to your fish profile) will need a 125-150g tank...Dont add anything else!
If I were you, I would take back the bichir, and goby. Add 2 banjos and a small eel (zig zag, yellow tailed, peacock or zebra) and have your clown plec aswell (thats not too big is it?)
I had a great reply to this disaster you call stocking I suggest next time you research your choices better because you are way way overstcked
unless you're upgrading in the future-Anne

because you want it doesn't mean you can have it
well there's still hope and salvation, you could either return the fish to the shop and get smaller, more suitable ones, or get a bigger tank. the former sounds more practical.
those fish are gonners, can u cycle a new tank in 2 days?
can u cycle a new tank in 2 days?
Yes if you have access to cycled filter media you can basicly instant cycle a tank.-Anne
gobymaster where do you live?

you need to take some fish back or get a very big tank. like a 120g or something to house all your fish you are plannig on getting.
gobymaster where do you live?

you need to take some fish back or get a very big tank. like a 120g or something to house all your fish you are plannig on getting.

I live in Lincoln, Nebraska. Why??

Oh, and aparently the lfs guy sold me a senegal bichir, but he said it was an armored bichir. And yes, I do have bigger tank that I will put them in. I was just put the 30 until it gets big enough to put in my bigger tank. Oh, and about the fish in a 2 day old tank, that quarrel was already covered here.

I'll get pictures on as soon as I can.

Well the armored bichir you will need a 55g, the marbled sand goby (according to your fish profile) will need a 125-150g tank...Dont add anything else!
If I were you, I would take back the bichir, and goby. Add 2 banjos and a small eel (zig zag, yellow tailed, peacock or zebra) and have your clown plec aswell (thats not too big is it?)

Clown Pleco stays small. I think under 4 inches.

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