I Finally Decided


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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Well I think I have finally decided on getting this fish along with 3 more harlequin rasboras this weekend to finish off my tank. Hopefully the pleco will work. Suggestions are wecomed.


Yes I plan on getting a regular one as I dont like the albino for some reason and they are a lot cheaper.

Though what should I feed them as a variety besides flake food and sinking wafers, How bout lettuce or zuchini?
cucumber is good, weighted down some way?? make sure you freeze or bil it first to break it down.
Yes I plan on getting a regular one as I dont like the albino for some reason and they are a lot cheaper.

Though what should I feed them as a variety besides flake food and sinking wafers, How bout lettuce or zuchini?
%*^# lfs stupid chinese guy said they had bristlenose plecos but they were bushy nose plecos so my mom drove me all the way out there and they didn't have them. I am mad. bushy nose plecos arent the same as bristlenose pleco right.

Wait are bushy noses really the same things as bristle noses because it seems like from what I can tell they are.
What is the scientific name for the bristlenose plceo anyways, I cant find one, does anybody know the scientific name for the common one that gets to be about 4-8"???


There's more than one type of bristlenose. They are from the Family "Loricariidae" and Genera include Ancistrus Dolichopterus, Ancistrus temminckii, Ancistrus cirrhosus, Ancistrus ranunculus....

Do some googles and you'll find a wealth of information ;)

%*^# lfs stupid chinese guy said they had bristlenose plecos but they were bushy nose plecos so my mom drove me all the way out there and they didn't have them. I am mad. bushy nose plecos arent the same as bristlenose pleco right.

Wait are bushy noses really the same things as bristle noses because it seems like from what I can tell they are.
yes, they fall under that very vague description too.
There's more than one type of bristlenose. They are from the Family "Loricariidae" and Genera include Ancistrus Dolichopterus, Ancistrus temminckii, Ancistrus cirrhosus, Ancistrus ranunculus....

Do some googles and you'll find a wealth of information ;)

I did do google and went to planetcatfish but I am not sure which scientific name goes for the common bristlenose pleco are L number. I need these to order some at one of my lfs's or at least try. Do you know the scientific name for the common brislenose.
But I've just given them to you :unsure:

There are several that fall under the "common" name. See above.

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