I fell in love with a pair of brown eyes

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Jul 5, 2005
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United States
I went to my fish store to browse their plants, as they had just gotten a new shipment of all sorts. After finding 2 nice java ferns, my mother asked me if a betta would be happy in her one gallon tank at work. I told her it would probably be ok... My fish store gets a shipment of bettas every 2-4 months, and normally gets about 30 or 40 of them... So it's not super regular to see them there.

She asked me to find her one I thought was the healthiest, which was a very flashy and active blue and purple boy... And I had to browse through them of course ^_^ I had my 5 gallon set up, because I was going to get a dwarf puffer...

But when I saw that little boy, with an irrisistable tail, swimming so calmly around his bowl... That was it for me ^_^

And so, without farther wait, here is.... Mr. Berry.




My former puffer-tank-to-be ^___^ 5.5 gallons. Considering Berry is only just over an inch long right now, this tank must seem HUGE to him... His bowl was only 3 inches wide, this is 4 times that!


Doing some acrobatics in the mini-forest of live plants ^_^


At this point, he decided he was done putting up with me, and went to find the last remaining blood shrimp.

He's very slow and calm, like my other betta, and about half my other bettas size... He is investigating everything, playing in the plants, sniffing at his food for awhile before eating it. Just being adorable ^_^ I don't have a lid for the tank (mostly because I can't FIND it at the moment) so he's got a box on top for tonight, and no filter yet... I shall be picking one up in the next week or so. I was not suspecting to be bringing anyone home yet ^_^ But I'm glad I did get him, he's just so lovely.
he's very adorable as you said many times :D i love seein pics of new arrivals. esspecially stunning ones such as this fine boy :nod:
I have no choice but to resist now ^^ I don't think I'd want to split the tank, and don't have another besides my outdoor tank. I must just try and avoid the fish store until their stock is gone ^^
he's a cutie :) you know, you don't need a filter. he'd actually probably be happier (and safer) without the filter current bothering him. none of my 10 gallon betta tanks have filters. i do 50% water changes every week and everyone's healthy and happy :)
BrookeLea said:
he's a cutie :) you know, you don't need a filter. he'd actually probably be happier (and safer) without the filter current bothering him. none of my 10 gallon betta tanks have filters. i do 50% water changes every week and everyone's healthy and happy :)

Yeah, I know ^_^ But filters make me feel safer, just that extra boost of security. I was going to make a really simple sponge fliter with a very low amount of air ^^ It will only add a wee bit of filtration, but I'll feel safer that way. And it would hardly create any current, methinks.

Thanks for the compliments!
awwww, he's adorable. His tail is sort of heart shaped on the end.. :wub:

That 5.5 gallon is awesome :hey: It looks way bigger. I would SOO breed bettas in that. Where'd you get it?
It's just an average 5.5 gallon, got it from the pet store ^_^

Hopefully the plants I have in there will grow out, and it'll start looking less 'messy'.

I woke up and looked over towards the tank, and saw him skkimming the top waiting for food ^^ So cute
Thanks everyone, again ^^

He's not a very active feeder, but I'd imagine that is because he's still adjusting. Hopefully soon he'll start chowing down so he can grow big ^^

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