Fish Addict
hey there
, well i wanted to let you know that im doing a very bad thing
i was doing a fishless cycle when i had the ammonia, i dont have it yet, wich i was going to buy tomorrow, but my males guppes started to chase my females like really baaaaaaad they were swimmin as fast as they little fins could go, and al over that tiny tank and i had no choice to separate da males from the females, so i put the males in the 29 for a while so i can wait for somebody to show up at home, so i can buy a divider! ,my dad was at some work thingy and my brother at work, and as already told, my mom enjoying the caribbean
im so jealous!, but the point is that my dad showed up at 7 and my brother at 9 , and my dad had a lot of work to do, so i didnt want to bother him, and well my brother was really tired cuz today the comissary was sellin everthin as package, like.... mm lets see....something like suppose you go to the Super market to buy milk cuz u ran out of, and you only want to buy one, but you have to buy the whole package (the package was 6 gallons of 1 gal) so thats what i mean, so he came really tired , (he is a bagger) and so at 9 everything was closed! so i figured out that if i put traslade them again to the 10 they will die for stress! cuz they were already stressed out (wierd thing, my males were my females not
) so i decide to go again for a normal cycle.....
so my male gups are there in the 29 with the plants i still need to do some arranges like buy driftwood and more plants, oh and the food of the plants
a little thing to let you know is that my "green cobra guppie" (male) is not stressed any more, i think and the red tail is a little bit less that what he was on the 10gal.
i went to my fav. lps website and heres a list of their specials for freshwater this week so i guess im buyin some more fishes and go again with normal cycle WISH ME LUCK!
theeeey're strooong enooooough tooo liiiveee all the wayy throuuuugh! (cher's song im strong enough, haha i customize it a lil
Serpae Tetra . . . . . $.38
Blue Wag Platy . . . . . $.38
Red Platy . . . . . $.38
Neon Tetra . . . . . $.68
Rosy Tetra . . . . . $.78
Silver Angels . . . . . $.88
Albino Cory Cats . . . . . . $.88
Albino Glo-Lite Tetra . . . . . $.88
Bloodfin Tetra . . . . . $.88
Albino Rainbow Shark . . . . . $1.58
Silver Veil Angels . . . . . $1.58
Cherry Barbs(Pairs only) . . . . . $1.58
Hi-Fin Serpae Tetra . . . . . . $1.58
Gold Angels . . . . . $1.58
Rummy Nosy Tetra . . . . . $1.78
Red Wagtail Hi-Fin Platy . . . . . $1.78
Albino Paradise Fish . . . . . $1.78
Lg. Albino Tiger Barb . . . . . $1.88
Jewelfish . . . . . $2.88
Red Tail Guppies (pairs only) . . . . . $2.88

i went to my fav. lps website and heres a list of their specials for freshwater this week so i guess im buyin some more fishes and go again with normal cycle WISH ME LUCK!

Serpae Tetra . . . . . $.38
Blue Wag Platy . . . . . $.38
Red Platy . . . . . $.38
Neon Tetra . . . . . $.68
Rosy Tetra . . . . . $.78
Silver Angels . . . . . $.88
Albino Cory Cats . . . . . . $.88
Albino Glo-Lite Tetra . . . . . $.88
Bloodfin Tetra . . . . . $.88
Albino Rainbow Shark . . . . . $1.58
Silver Veil Angels . . . . . $1.58
Cherry Barbs(Pairs only) . . . . . $1.58
Hi-Fin Serpae Tetra . . . . . . $1.58
Gold Angels . . . . . $1.58
Rummy Nosy Tetra . . . . . $1.78
Red Wagtail Hi-Fin Platy . . . . . $1.78
Albino Paradise Fish . . . . . $1.78
Lg. Albino Tiger Barb . . . . . $1.88
Jewelfish . . . . . $2.88
Red Tail Guppies (pairs only) . . . . . $2.88