i feel so stupid

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crazy betta lady 0.o
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
fort worth texas
today i moved my lil guy to my 2.5 (since my gurl is in my 10 btw that is going great) well after i moved him i clean up my 10 gallons and like one hour later my boy is laying on his side... i started panicing! i fed him... no eat! i put an airstone in his tank... he still doesnt move! so finally i retraced my steps and relised I DIDNT DE CHLORONATE THE WATER!! AHHHHHHHH :eek: for one hour he was sitting in tap i was so scared so i dumped like 10 drops in there (2 drops per gallon so yea a lil more than needed)

will my boy be fine??? he isnt swimming but he is breathing this is my first betta and i dont want to lose him ... i love him :-(
These things do happen.

He may not survive, but it's more likely that he will.. Just give him time.
here is what he is doing

and he hasnt moved since ... :( i have never seen a betta like him and i really wanted to breed him and cleo :-(
iv heard of people doing this, its a very common mistake. u may have caught it early enogh that he may recover, but chlorine is very bad for fish and will often kill them off quickly. all u can do now is keep his water rich with oxygen and and wait to see if he'll snap back to normal.
He's quite a bit traumatized right now. That's to be expected. But the only thing that's going to tell you whether he'll live or not is time.
he isnt acting normal and i want to cry so bad cause he let me hold him in my hand ... THAT ISNT NORMAL!!! i dont want to say good bye :byebye: he is my first betta and treated him so well ... im not to good with handling these kinds of things... will bettafix work on him??? when i first got him he was in a big 10 gallon tank ALL to himself! he was so happy his colors became vibrant but now he is so pale and im so scared!!! it isnt his time to go ... he hasnt even experienced a girl!
Do you happen to have any stress coat on hand?
If so, add several drops of it to his tank.
That's about the best thing you can do for him now.
He might pull through for you - they're tough little buggers!.
YES ok cool im feeeeeeling so much better let me go get down on my knees and cry and beg my dad to run me up to wal mart
well i just asked my dad and he is mad but oh well we are gonna go get some (freckles i hope you understand i am useing my lunch money to save you :) )

well i will brb im having my lil sis watch him why we go up there and to contact me asap if anything happens to him but yea i will come back add some and report back
yes... umm i was in a hurry and i grabed stress zyme :( dam... :eek: ooops i mean CRAP!! will it work just as good or should i just use my prime stuff??

p.s. im so glad i got there when i did! this like 2 year old boy picked up this bettas container and dropped it! then the guy said that is would be fine... the betta was dead anyways! so i picked the betta up grabed a container and took some water out of one of the tanks and put him up on the shelf ^_^ good save the boy was about to step on the fish! ... too bad i only had 10 dollars it was a pretty red betta!
OoOooh - unfortunately stresszyme is stuff used for aiding in bacteria populating... it won't work like stresscoat.

what's the prime stuff?

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