I Feel So Privileged!

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
We have a huge workforce and around the offices alone, there must be around 300 people. (total workforce of about 6,000 people)

We also have a number of ferral cats running around the areas scavenging the bins for bits of foods chucked away and so on.... There is this one (absolute) wild cat that for some reason has adopted me and would often (even) rub against my legs (when I stand outside having a smokebreak) and she also comes into my office. (whereas no-one else can come within 10m from her).

I am however, not alowed to touch her, then she runs off.... With so many people around that she could bond with, I feel so privileged that she has chosen me......


The slightly drawnback ears indicates that she is on alert and will turn around and run at any sudden noise or movement.
Awww shes gorg. I hope she carries on bonding with you ludwig when she get's used to you properly you might even be able to stroke her.
Good luck :good:

We have a huge workforce and around the offices alone, there must be around 300 people. (total workforce of about 6,000 people)

We also have a number of ferral cats running around the areas scavenging the bins for bits of foods chucked away and so on.... There is this one (absolute) wild cat that for some reason has adopted me and would often (even) rub against my legs (when I stand outside having a smokebreak) and she also comes into my office. (whereas no-one else can come within 10m from her).

I am however, not alowed to touch her, then she runs off.... With so many people around that she could bond with, I feel so privileged that she has chosen me......


The slightly drawnback ears indicates that she is on alert and will turn around and run at any sudden noise or movement.

lucky man. cats are very good at judging people. you've got something, she can tell.
lucky you shes loverly keep bonding with her you'll be able to stroke her then some cats are so cuddly once they get used to you because i have 2 cats and 1 is very cudderly.
tame her and take her home! shes so cute!
or just feed her when its cold :)
she is so adorable! if you want her then take some cat food and a little dish and feed her next to you and she will accoiate you with food then you can take her home.. this might work? not sure.. but good look anyway
just remember this rule, dogs have owners cats have staff.
she is telling you that you are hired.

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