I Feel Disgraced Looking At This Betta


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2008
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I saw this on Aquabid, and became very shocked. I don't think I have ever seen a Betta so poorly conformed....

OMG . . . and you just know someone is going to try and breed her.

That's a cull if I ever saw one. Needs a lovely home where NO-ONE is going to try and perpetuate her genes.
I think if someone was going to give her special care she would make a great pet. :) She lived this long and deserves a good home. Mabye someone here can rescue her?
Yes, it is Very sad that some turn out like that. But why do u feel, "disgraced". It is in good health, its not the owners fault?
Wow, I feel so bad for her, although she has absolutely lovely coloring. Poor girl, I hope someone nice takes her in and keeps her just as a pet.
Aww, the poor thing. She's kind of cute and I'm sure would be a nice pet, but you're right, I'm sure someone will try to breed her. Whenever I see things like this it makes me with there was a place to comment on the fish up for bid, so that knowledgeable people could point out that this is actually a terribly deformity and not suitable to be bred.
Personally I would of culled the fish, but if someone wants to breed then I really see nothing wrong with that.... I find it kinda ironic to be against the breeding of deformed fish and keeping fancy bettas at the same time.... that fish is no diff than any balloon ram or molly. It appears healthy and has great color for a deformed fish. You breed deformed fish that are weighed down by heavy and fancy fins that are easy to damage, how is a short body any worse?
The item has been relisted;- it can be found here http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?fwbettashm&1264608002

hopefully no one buys it!
Why cant someone responsible here buy her, that way you know she wont be bred, and can make a nice pet. I would not kill her though, besides the deformity she looks healthy otherwise and very nice coloring! :good:

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