I Don't Want/like Goldfish...


Jan 29, 2008
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Hey guys!

I have a 3ft tropical tank, but I want a smaller fresh/coldwater desk tank.

I LOVE colour!!!

I'm going to be a little picky, but that's how much I love my fish :rolleyes:

I would prefer a type that you can tell the sex. I just got a really nice tank and it's all PINK

I've been searching on the net, but I can't seem to find the info I'm after. So I decided to come to the pros :D

BTW I'm from Australia and our aquariums don't seem to stock much variety :sad:
the tank wouldnt really be suitable for goldfish anyway,so dont worry lol
what about guppies,mollies and platys? they are all ivebeares tho so would give about 30 babies a month each if you got females,tho as with most animals in nature the males are usually the better colours, you dont have pink gravel do you? i think any fish would have a hard time adapting to anything so bright and it may well stress them out. there are tonnes of small fish that you could chose from, and of course they would have to be small in a small tank, and stay small
hope you get yourself what you want
shelagh xxx

ps, im off to buy my daughter a pink aqaua one tank on wednesday she has been asking for ages as she wants to be a fish tanker like mummy ??? ( the mind boggles lol)
Is it specifically coldwater/subtropical fish your looking for?

Rosy barbs are easy to sex, as are zebra danios, neither of them needs a heater.

Though since your in Australia, I'm not sure temperatures would be much a problem anyway?
my fav little coldwater fish is the white cloud mountain minnow. In five gallons you could have 6 of them and they like fast flowing water.
How many gallons does the tank hold exactly and is the office generally quite warm- what temp is the tank :) ? Is the tank filtered?
it depends on where in Australia you live. If you are in Queensland, The Northern Territory, or the northern half of WA then you can keep whatever you want. If you are in the southern half of the country then white cloud mountain minnows, medakas, rosy barbs, pygmy perch, galaxias, bitterlings & danios will probably be fine.
Those fish are all readily available on wholesale lists and you should just ask your LFS to get some in if they don't have any :)

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