Fish Connoisseur
I have some fry that don't appear to have any spots! They MAY be Blacks!
One escaped the net during a water change and swam around the top for awhile. Just as I was about to shoo it back to the net, It beelined to the bottom, endured the ruff and tumble of adult frantic Corys and darted under the belly of a female Black. Soooo cute! I hope he makes it in the tank.
It appears that I have 3 female Blacks and 2 male. Baring some terrible tragedy I shoud have lots of Blacks down the line. I am of the impression that they breed much like C. aeneus.
One escaped the net during a water change and swam around the top for awhile. Just as I was about to shoo it back to the net, It beelined to the bottom, endured the ruff and tumble of adult frantic Corys and darted under the belly of a female Black. Soooo cute! I hope he makes it in the tank.
It appears that I have 3 female Blacks and 2 male. Baring some terrible tragedy I shoud have lots of Blacks down the line. I am of the impression that they breed much like C. aeneus.