I Don't Think Any From The First Spawn Made It :(


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I have some fry that don't appear to have any spots! They MAY be Blacks!

One escaped the net during a water change and swam around the top for awhile. Just as I was about to shoo it back to the net, It beelined to the bottom, endured the ruff and tumble of adult frantic Corys and darted under the belly of a female Black. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Soooo cute! I hope he makes it in the tank.

It appears that I have 3 female Blacks and 2 male. Baring some terrible tragedy I shoud have lots of Blacks down the line. I am of the impression that they breed much like C. aeneus.
I will take them off your hands :drool: :shifty: You can send me all your excess... :hyper:
I am very excited. I have been waiting to get some of these from you since before you even had them in your tank. :shifty: now if you can just get enough of them big enough to travel... :wub: :wub: :yahoo:
Let's not count our blacks before they are id'd. LOL I am looking forward to raising some of these. They seem to like my water and do well. One of the few species I got from Frank that did well for me. I believe the problem for me with Frank's was the difference in our water. Mine is hard and his is soft. After I got them stablized I lost some every time I did a water change. I had to do drip water changes.

But the Blacks did very well.

I don't know what you are talking about, bodyshop20????? It sounds bad. If you don't clarify and do it again, I will report you.

Kuhni: There is still some debate on the source of the Blacks! believe it or not. But taking my cue from Ian Fuller, they are C. sp Shultzei and not C. sp. aeneus. If I hear of a source for any I will let you know.
Congrats JollySue :hyper:

That is too cute. Of course, we will be wanting pics as soon as you can get some good ones. How many babies have you got? Did you find them as eggs or fry? Very cute.

I have a few baby pandas at the moment, and they are so cute. Not my first spawn, having spawned the pandas on and off for almost 2 years now. But each time they breed, it's as exciting as the first time. :wub:

Good luck and keep us updated.

She collected the eggs and she told me that she don't know how many because there is lots of stuff in the net so she can't really see them. There are other fry in there too.
I can't wait to see how they do and how many she has. I am way more excited about them than she is! I am already having visions of them coming to live with me... :hyper: :drool: I know it won't be happening any time soon though. They will have to grow some and will probably need another batch to have enough. She said that she didn't collect very many eggs... I can dream though. :good:
It was a very small first spawn. She layed 2 clutches smaller than the size of a dime. She layed them in clutches like C. aeneus but at the top of the water edge. They are very sticky, small, soft eggs. They are smaller, softer, and gooeyer than bronze. That is what makes me think they are the Blacks. There are 3 ladies and 2 fellas. The females hve nice plump white bellies.

(How do you spell gooeyer????)

There are characteristics similar to C. aeneus, but they are clearly different.
:shifty: Maybe before too long they will be big enough for that nice new camera to get a pic of them so we can see them... :hyper: :drool:
(Here we go again... :rolleyes: ) I just can't help myself... :lol:
Time for an update...
How are they doing? Can we count our blacks yet? :drool:
I had a second spawning event with the C. schultzei Blacks. This time I put them in their own net with no other eggs from any other fish. Today I saw a fry. I did not stay to count. I put the net back down and left it alone. But I am in hopes that I will see at least 1 or 2 babies successfully to juvie status.
I do have little slivers in the net I put the eggs in that I believe were the Black's eggs! I saw one sitting on the net side tonight and when I put my finger there he swam away! I am very excited!
I hate that none of the others made it, but I am glad that it is looking like there may be a few from this batch. Maybe from the next few batches the numbers will increase. I hope so. :good:
I really want these fish! :drool:

Are the julii showing any signs of what sex they are yet? :shifty: I want them to come on and make me some little ones too. :hyper:
Yes there are fry in the black net. The julii aren't showing any interest yet, but there are male and female. I have at least one longipinnus fry, and I discovered that the San Juan/C. bilineatus eggs have hatched, and there are fry. The blacks took an unusual amount of time to hatch--maybe over a week. The eggs are much smaller than the aeneus but are layed in smeared clutches like the bronze usually high close to the water line.

I have found volunteers scooting around in another tank. I am guessing they are bronze, but it is unknown for now.

I have experienced the SDan Juans to be sensitive fry and I have been told that the black's fry are more sensitive also for the first three months. But then the general wisdom is that the C. longipinnus are very difficult to breed!

All in all

It is babies, babies everywhere!

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