i dont konw what to do !!!


New Member
Jan 17, 2005
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Surrey, England
:dunno: hello
i have a jewel rio 160 internal filter as well as an external one, my tank is planted, it has some bog wood in it. it is the home to 2 angle fish large ,3 clown loach, 6 cardails 6 rummy nose. it has been running for over 3 years now and just a few weeks ago a layer of green slime has appeared on the surface of the water. i have increased accrellation and used phos-clear (or something like that ) that was recamended by my local fish shop, it cleared up but now it has returned, i dont konw what it is. i regauly test my water and it is fine , i usally use RO water when doing my water changes every two weeks, but some times use tap water with conditoiner in it. it might be some thing to do with the phospates ,but how do i get them down with out having to spend £12 on this phos-clear thing.
please help !!!
If you are using RO water you should have very low phosphates entering. Therefore there must be a larger build up in the tank.

Have you tested for phosphate and Nitrate?

Is there much surface agitation? Sounds like BGA, but it is not supposed to like water movement.

I find that i do get it on the roots of surface floating plants (recently), but it usually can be brought under control by being out competed with floating plants.

Another thing that can help is a two hour lights off period in the day, some people swear by it, i havent tried this yet, but algae (all though BGA isnt strictly) dont like it. plants dont mind it.

I do use Rowa-phos, I place it in the filter and it lasts a few months. It is however quite expensive for a tub. In the long run you should nneed to use it with RO.

Try do in more regular water changes, that would also bring phospates, nitrates down.
Are you using standard juwel tubes ?

I recently switched back to one when my Interpet Triton needed replacing.

Within a week I had a layer of slime on the surface which water changes didn't remove.

I've now got a Triton back in and the slime is no more ???
thanks guys i will try the things you have mentioned,
i have put an air stone in the tank to try and get more surface movement and it seems to be working.

im new to this site and i wuold just like to say ' its great !

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