I Don't Know....


New Member
Mar 21, 2008
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I'm trying to introduce salt into my freshwater tank so I can have more livebearers. I know not all of my fish like salt. What has to go?

Cherry Barb
Rosy Red
Black Neon Tetra
Zebra Danio
guppies, platies and zebras will be fine. I don't know about chery barbs.
But I would be a little worried for black neons tho I am no expert, but neons live in acidic, black water (soft) and salt is found in harder water.
Colin, the rosy red is a orange form of fathead minnow. You know the orange skinny feeder minnows? That's them.
I'm trying to introduce salt into my freshwater tank so I can have more livebearers.

Platies and Swords should do just as well in freshwater and depending on how the mollys have been bred so should they,

This quote may help

Do all livebearers need salt in their water?
No they do not, In general most of the common livebearers, Molly, guppy, platy and
Swordtails do not need salt, but they do thrive in hard water, Livebearers do not do well
in soft water, Salt has long been veiwed as a cure all for Livebearer ailments, really it is
not a cure at all, It just covers up underlining problems that will continue to be there.
with proper water conditions, nutrition and stocking levels salt is not nessesary,
it though can be used as a tonic for already sick or new fish to help them acclimate
to their new enviornment, this should always though be in a quarrentine tank and
not in your community tank
I would do it, and get me my crawfish.

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