i dont know where this would go


crazy betta lady 0.o
Mar 18, 2005
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fort worth texas
turquoise rainbow fish!! does anyone know where i can get pictures of them! my friends has this thing on his lip but it just looks like his lip and i wanna know if its natural but if its not i have ich medicine that im ready and willing to walk over to her ^_^ thanks alot in advance
try googel images (no dont try that its trash )
or the fish index they useualy have pics
Ich meds will do nothing if the fish isnt infected with ich.
Does it look like a peice of skin hanging off his bottom lip? Mine get that sometimes. It doesn't look like an injury, just like they have a peice of dry skin that needs to come off.
well the fish now has a large fungus patch and it is dead :/ god her fish die all the time first the cory now the rainbow fish when will this madness end?!

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