I don't know what to do.


Fish Crazy
Feb 22, 2005
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I have a platy with fin rot, she has been through 2 coarses of treatment over 2 weeks and still the coudal fin is disappearing, its getting to the stage now that it will eat away into her body, is it time to euthanize?

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
nitrate 25
ph 8.0
temp 77
I've been doing frequent water changes but have not added salt because all I have is table salt which I've been told is no good.
What meds have you used you might need to use a bacteria one as sometimes it's bacteria finrot.
I've used waterlife Myaxzine ( as reccommended by PFK mag website).
If you can issolate the fish you could medicate with interpet anti internal bacteria med if it's not to late also try some salt bath on the fish, good luck.
are you running a filtration system for nitrates and niterites? sounds like the "excuse the language:####" is making everything rise slowly to hish levels ph is high too... water change is a must
The pH is absolutely fine for a platy but the nitrAtes could be lower. If you can keep them under 20, the fish would all be better off. I suggest you try some other treatments. Try an anti-biotic and treatments both for fungus and bacterial infections. Salt helps - especialy with livebearers. Slightly lowering the temp would also slow down the infection but don't do this suddenly and stress the fish and obviously don't lower it by much or it'll harm the fish's immune system and that would be more detrimental at this stage.

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