I Do Believe In Chaeto, I Do Believe In Chaeto


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
OK....for the first time since cycling, my tank tested '0' for nitrates today. As some may have seen, I revamped my middle chamber refugium to external lighting. I started out with an 'in tank' submersible 10 watt halogen light. I then switched to an external 7 watt AZOO Palm light (cut the vinyl backing off the NC and was able to shine a light thru the back glass). Then, found an 'Executive Table Lamp' at Costco which had a small 4bulb PC light, 27 watts. The chaeto doubled in size.

So for newcomers, what gives? Here ya go:

Increased lighting-->increased photosynthesis-->increased plant growth--> increased plant growth requires protein (read nitrates/'fertilizer")-->increased plant mass results in reduction of nitrate levels in the tank. (DOH!!)

Wow...0 nitrates... I nearly fell thru the floor. Will enjoy it until it lasts. SH
The simple and straight forward results you are seeing are the very reason why I always advocate refugiums on almost any set up. It's just a very easy way to increase water quality. And in the rare instance that your system doesn't produce enough nitrates to support chaeto, then you already are having great success.
What cani say about cheato... Stable, high nutrient extractor and relatively easy to keep! It really does do a great job in a refugium, glad its working for you SH :)
Just to note, Using Halogen lights to grow anything is generally a bad idea, hence why you didnt get very good results. Halogen is completely the wrong spectrum of light, and generally burns whatever it is you are trying to grow.

Actually Ben, my chaeto grew and survived under halogen lighting for almost 8 months. It was green and thick, but, growth was slow. The chaeto that was near the top closest to the light DID brown out. For those reading, halogen lighting, at least what I was able to research, is about 3200K and a yellowish light. I believe photosythesis occurs more efficiently at a higher spectrum.

Many people buying the Nano Cube were struggling to find a light to illuminate the middle chamber to support a refugium. The halogen was a 'quick fix' for people nonadept at rewiring. However, someone discovered that the rear wall of the Nano Cube was simply covered with vinyl. If you cut the vinyl off with a razor blade, the entire middle chamber could be illuminated with any light you wanted and without addition of heat to the tank. It made a refugium available to everyone. SH
1) Find yourself an LFS with a big Live Rock tank
2) Work out when they clean it
3) Hang around while they rip handfuls of assorted algae from the live rock
4) Offer to hold the bin
5) Ask for a bagful
6) Walk away with an armful



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