I Didnt Want To Rush But

black molly3

Fish Herder
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
i set up my new marine tank on saturday and since then i have been adding water from my small 6gal nano into the water. supprisingly there hasnt been a budge in water parameters and eveythig is fine. i put 20 liters of cycled water from my nano in on sunday night. i then added my cuc on monday. all readings are the same. so i went to my lfs told the man and he said yeh should be ok to ad mushrooms n stuff so i went again and i have put my clownfish in and he seems overly happy. i put him in yesterday and fed him about 3 hours after his accumulation. he gulped that brine shrimp faster than ever and whats even more pleasing is since yday night he has had his dorsal fin up. that is a sign of good health. i have just fed him again ad he ate as much as he can.
anyway here is the tank bearing in mind it was tropical on saturday morning.

here are my free polyps opening
i think that that is a brilliant pic because the focus isnt on the polyps

just checked water parameters again and they havent budged.
what do you think. (i know i defined some peoples oppinions on adding fish too early but 20 odd cycled liters out of 60 liters would have been fine.
thanks for everyones help on reconmeding aragonite sand aswel
It could work, I'm no pro, but I would have waited a bit...I personally waited almost 3 months before adding any corals...and my corals are small frags of zoos/shrooms...

Best of luck

water from another tank is pretty much usless accept for adding nitrates to the new tank

keep a reeally close i on ur paramters, and make sure none of ur cuc starves from lack of algea
Where did the LR come from? An existing tank that you own or from a LFS? If it came from a LFS, how long was it out of water? I'm just wondering about potential dieback/ammonia spike etc. I agree with Kylee, keep an eye on your parameters. Remember, nothing good happens fast in marine fish keeping.

I've only had my aquarium for 2 months now maybe. It was an already established FOWLR tank which I bought 2nd hand. Even so, I've still been aching to add corals and more fish, but I have held off until my water parameters are spot on and I have my sump/refugium set up, improved lighting and water circulation.

I hope everything turns out ok but for the sake of your wallet and the livestock in the future... be patient!! :good:
yes the rock is from an established tank but on saturday i am getting some cured live rock from my lfs. 3lbs of it.
parameters are all ok i checked again today still havent moved.
thanks for your replies

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