I didn't get any help in the emergency section


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
My friend is having trouble....

One of her fish has that disease where the fin areas are turning red. I know I've heard of this before but don't know what it's called or how to treat it so I'm not much help to her right now!! It's pretty much an emergency though because I think her fish are on the way out...... :eek:

Help me please :/

Hi silver :)

What kind of fish is it? Do you have any ideas what the water parameters are? The more info you can give the better your chances are of getting accurate help.
Hi silver. :)

On second thought........

Whatever other information you have, the first thing she should do is a good water change and gravel cleaning. That'll never hurt and if it's a bacterial infection, it'll do some good.
Silver, I believe that is some type of bacterial infection. Can you go to your lfs and look at the bacterial infection medications? Sometimes they put pictures and descriptions on the medicine container or box. That might help tell you what it is and what to use to treat it. Sorry I'm not much help.
I've had one fish that experienced similar symptoms. Right or wrong, I diagnosed it with a Mardel Labs Fish Disease Guide that comes with their medicines. It was an internal bacterial infection that I treated with Maracyn-Two. Other symptoms may include listlessness, clamped fins, and not eating. Unfortunately, the fish did not make it, as it was too far gone when I finally got the diagnosis right. :no:

I agree that a water change is a good thing. Start the medication as soon as possible. If available, you may want to relocate the fish to a hospital tank for treatment.

Good luck! keep us posted!
Hold of on the medications (I know, so confusing). First get a reading on the water parameters (ammonia, nitrites/nitrates, chlorine). This may be a simple case of ammonia burn, depending on the type of fish. BTW, what kind of fish is it? Have your friend perform, at the most, 25% water change with a gravel cleaning. Test the water first prior to doing this. If you don't have a test kit get one or you can bring your water to an LFS. They normally test for free, although, I don't think they test for chlorine. Also test the levels after the water change/gravel cleaning. The reason I ask to test it before is, if there is an excessive ammount of ammonia and you perform a water change, which reduces it, then perform your test. We might rule out ammonia burn and start giving you advice regarding disease treatment.

What also helps is adding aquarium salt (follow the dosage on the box) and also conditioners, such as Stress Coat. I normally don't like to use meds unless I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY have to. Then I think about it and don't even bother with the meds.

Let use know the results and the type of fish having the problems. Also let us know what are it's tankmates.

Good luck.
crazie.eddie said:
...What also helps is adding aquarium salt (follow the dosage on the box) and also conditioners, such as Stress Coat.
Never use salt with any kind of catfish or other scaleless fish. :no:

I would not recommend using Stress Coat, either, unless there was a specific problem that would indicate using it. It could be harmful to their gills and should not be used on a regular basis.
It sounds like bacterial septecemia. Its a tough one to beat but its very possible if you can provide lots and lots of clean water. You need to clean the gravel very thoroughly, clean the filter media in old tank water and change 20% of the water every day until the redness subsides. The water should preferably be left sitting overnight with an air stone in it to agitate the water to remove remaining toxic gases.

Medication is usually unnecessary when enough clean water is provided and the tank is kept in good order but Myxazin from waterlife will reduce the bacteria in the water further but I would not use more than a half dose if there are no external infections.

Hope it works out for you :)

THANKS for caring guys!!

I know it is a blue gourami like mine (3 spot yes I know ;o). The tank is on the slope down in the cycling process (cycling with fish) so I imagine the ammonia levels are very very high still. She has no test kits, but has lost about 10 dollars worth of fish already. I imagine the nitrite levels are very high too. She has lost a few dwarf gourami's and some tetras. She bought a few American Flags the other day. I keep telling her to join the forum because it will help her a lot, but it's not for some people I guess :p . Anyhow, any info. on American Flag fish will also be very grateful. She thinks they are eating her Neons, could this be correct?? They are dropping like flies and she was told they are a good community tank fish!??

I did tell her today to do a 50% water change and to put some of the gravel out of her other tank into this tank that just won't stop cycling....probably because she keeps adding fish ;) :p !! She did get medicine yesterday and put it in, I will find out what kind and post it.....well I looked at the email she sent me and she said she added meds to take care of the parazoa parasites that someone at the LFS probably told her to buy??? I will find out the name!!

Why not add stress coat? It aids the fish.

I have 6 loaches. I add aquarium salt every water change at normal dose. The trick is, to dissolve the salt slowly into the tank and not just pour it in there. I've had to most of my loaches for about 2 years now.

FYI, NEVER perform more than 30% of a water change. Too large of a water changes the parameters too much which may stress the fish more.

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