I did it!


Fish Herder
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Central Connecticut
:hyper: Hey Fish folks :hyper: ..... I finally did it and baught a used 125 gallon tank plus another 55 gallon, an Aquaclear 500, a Rena Filstar Canister filter, lights, 2 stands, 3 Ebo-Jager heaters...the works---for a total of $500. Not bad eh?

Woohoo! What do ya think I should stock in the 125? Let's hear what you'de like to see in the future TOTM :p
african cichlids of course :D

im not sure on what but them dem's sound nice(ill find the full name later) then once they breed send me some! :D
$500 :X

you should put in the 125 gallon...

125 neon tetras :D

remember he doesnt ship :) send me the money and ill buy some of my new fish for you too :D
giant shelldweller tank, you could tier the base for more seface area to place shells and fit in a hundred of em

and an amazing deall my 90 was 400 and you got twice as much stuff
vantgE said:
giant shelldweller tank, you could tier the base for more seface area to place shells and fit in a hundred of em

and an amazing deall my 90 was 400 and you got twice as much stuff
Now this is the coolest idea I've heard so far!! It really does make me wonder..... I guess that could be done in another smaller tank-- It would be pretty damn cool too. Do you have pictures of this actually set up somewhere or is this your own original brainchild? :alien:
Bah, you've already done mbuna, and you already have mbuna!

Big tank = Big fish


Nows your chance to set up a nice African Preditor tank!
thecichlidaddict said:
Bah, you've already done mbuna, and you already have mbuna!

Big tank = Big fish


Nows your chance to set up a nice African Preditor tank!
The danger with having big fish is that I'm an avid fisherwoman. In the winter months I night get bored and do a little surfcasting in my living room :hey:

Heheh I've always liked Dimidiochromis compressiceps :wub:

P.S. hey CA, you think I can let all my mbuna live out their lives in the 55 gallon? I think they're gonna outgrow it :/
The danger with having big fish is that I'm an avid fisherwoman. In the winter months I night get bored and do a little surfcasting in my living room
Well, as long as you practice catch and release ;)

It's your judgement call as to whether the 55 will work. In general it should work just fine, even if it means thinning the numbers a bit and maybe losing more aggressive species that may prove to be a problem.

It's up to you of course, my point was that with a 6 foot tank you have so many options--consider them all and then make your decision--which may prove to be an mbuna tank afterall. The D. Comp I posted because that's one of my favourates too, but, it is just an example of a different type of setup you can do. You have Lake Tanganyika, lake Victoria, and of course, the New world to choose from. Even in Tanganyika alone you have so many options, including that very interesting shell dweller fantasy land idea. Hmmm.. how on earth does one chose anyway? :unsure: :lol:
The problem with D. Comps are how utterly aggressive they are, there isn't much you can keep with them.

Something like Buccochromis rhoadesi is big, beautiful, and acually gives some options for tankmates, as they aren't very outwardly aggressive. Pretty much any Malawi that can't be treated as food will work with these guys.
I know -- it's sooo hard to choose. But Dim Comps are a spectacualr idea. Anyway--who says I can only have one big tank? My Bedroom's got room for a few more tanks and...ummm.... :unsure: oh my god--what are these Men-in-White-Coats doing here? They've come to take me away! :S
Exiled said:
vantgE said:
giant shelldweller tank, you could tier the base for more seface area to place shells and fit in a hundred of em

and an amazing deall my 90 was 400 and you got twice as much stuff
Now this is the coolest idea I've heard so far!! It really does make me wonder..... I guess that could be done in another smaller tank-- It would be pretty damn cool too. Do you have pictures of this actually set up somewhere or is this your own original brainchild? :alien:
i read an article on cichlid forum about someone setting up the shelldweller tank

that's what i got from it

although i don't think he meant that

but it's a good idea is it not who wants a few big fish when you could have lot's of liddle ones

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