I was sold this little beauty as a Bronze, but as the bronze seems to be in a stripoe, could it be a skunk cory or other....I dont mind if its a bronze, just wanted some clarification...thanks in advance?
quite sure it isn't bronze, thinking maybe rabauti or zygatus finding which one to be sure i think you will need to raise fry but im sure either coryologist or coryman would be able to decipher between the two.
Thanks, now i have looked up those two rabauti seems the more likely as I remember my lfs stocking these a while back, for £12 each, does that seem right, is so i think i got a bargin, as I only gave £5 for this little one. cheers
I believe the Bronze Corys have a bronze colouring over the back and a dark stripe along the side of the body so I personally would say yours is a Rabauti which I think are more expensive than the 'standard' bronze
well my bronze have their darker stripe along the middle of their body rather than the top like yours. i dont know as im not a cory expery but theyre different to my bronze