I.D my fish.......updated (pics working )

ugh ..... where is the whole add attachment thing gone !!!????? shouldn't it be at the bottom of the reply screen ????
Open a Photobucket account Scott it's free and save your photos there, then paste them into your posts.
o well there about .5"-1" long, big eyes on the side of the head, very small fins, greyish brown in color, and i have about 15-20 of them!! there pretty cool! i just want to know a little more info on them!! any help?
Scott MacAdam said:
how do i open a photobucket account?

Here's a link for registering: Photobucket :)

Then once you get an account, you should be able to upload your pictures onto it. Once they are uploaded, underneath it they should have three 'Bars', one titled Url, one titled Tag, and one titled Img. Just copy the text in the IMG bar into the reply box on this forum, and it should show up as a picture. :thumbs:
heres the one i was trying to show


and this happened as a result of a 100% water change!!! i was doing 50% every few days due to a lack of a filter... i guess it will give you a good idea of size..... :( that's my thumb on the side of the dish...


heres a close up of that


Sorry about the quality..... any ideas?
my guess would be pimephales promelas or a close sub species, some kind of fatheat minnow anyway
Scott MacAdam said:
and this happened as a result of a 100% water change!!! i was doing 50% every few days due to a lack of a filter... i guess it will give you a good idea of size..... :( that's my thumb on the side of the dish...

Dude. 100% with the fish in the tank? Come on...

And how do you not have a filter?
Where did you get them?

They kinda look like the fish that are in my lake at teh cottage :p
yeah 100% because the water got really crappy after a few days and the 50% just weren't doning anything anyway.. and it's altight because my well is on the same supply that feeds to this pond, just up the mountain a bit (yes i live in the sticks!) and that's what i put them in when i first caught them. and i don't have a filter because i put them in a DIY tank but i do have an air pump at work.
Well i think thats bad that you catch them from a pond to keep them in a tank.
Tropical fish from fish stores are bread for captivity, so they no different. But to catch and keep them yourself?! :byebye:
"Tropical fish from fish stores are bread for captivity, so they no different. But to catch and keep them yourself?!"

Actually most fish(besides from your common livebearer,cichlid and some tetra) are caught from the wild and sent to suppliers who send them to your LFS :)

well based as their fish from your area, not common found in aquariums, it'd be tough to id them.

I know at my lake in NS we have golden shiners, they're golden colour with a black band on their side, do they look like that?
Dwarf Dude, I never knew that, i always thought they were bread in captivity. That was a suprise, but thankyou for putting me right.
dawney g

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