I.d Help (and Rescue Story)


Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2008
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Hey guys and galls!

Hope you can help me out here.. I've got an I.D. crisis.

My dad used to have 2 goldfish that he kept in a tank that was SMALLER than a Nike shoe box!!!! Disgusting I know.
When one of the fish died.. I said to him (after millions of attempts) that he had to get rid of the tank, and that I would take the remaining fish on. He finally accepted and let me have the fish. When i got him, he was constantly gasping at the top for air, as he had no filter and half a tank of water to live in.
I got him into my 90 litre tank (which I had at the time) and hoped he would survive.

To this day, he lives on, a year or so later, in a 300 litre tank, with 3 of the original fish I had put him in with, and a couple others.

My only problem is, is that I have no idea what he actually is. I've never seen a fish like him before. If anyone can shed some light on this beautiful fish, I'd appreciate it lots.
This is the old 90 litre tank, and as you can see, he's very small.

And this.. is the newer 300 litre tank, and he's grown!! now about 12inches from back to nose, and about 3inches deep without including his fins.
WOW :hyper: he's very beautiful! No idea what he is though - I thought black moors and ranchus were the only completely black goldies you could get, but then I lead a very sheltered life, lol.

Verrry nice indeed :good:
it really is amazing how much he has changed, looking back at old pictures!! My dad hadn't seen him since I took him away, and I sent a picture the other day and he couldn;t believe it.
I just wish I knew what he is.. I've searched hundreds of fish shops thru out northamptonshire and just outside of the area to see if I can find one the same, but I just can't. :(
That is one beautiful fish!

I think he's just a goldfish, basically a big mongrel :D.

His face is slightly more down turned so I guess there's a slight possibility that he's the product of hybridisation between a goldfish and some other carp species, but gien the extreme abundance of different features goldfish can have (as strange as bubble eyes, and pom-pom noses), it doesn't seem very unusual at all so I'd personally count that out - especially looking at the tail.
looks like a cross between a either a black moor goldfish and a carp, or ( more likely) a comet and a carp. i have seen some odd comet fish at work from comets with fantails to koi/comet hybrids... none of which lasted to long. your pretty lucky if it is!
well he must be just over 3 years old now, cuz my dad had him for 1 and a half years, and the same for me. dad only got him for 75p lol
lovely fish and i think would benefit from a pond so he could grow to full size which maybe well over 15 inches and a girth to match..

does look like a carp x moor..very unusual.

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