I Could Just Cry


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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I went away overnight for a Doctor's appt. and blood work back home. My apartment at college is so warm that, with the hoods on my tanks, they stay at close to 80 at all times, so I hadn't bothered to put the heaters in. Apparently, however, my room mate sees no need to keep the heat one if she also happens to be out for the day. It was 40 today. I came home, the heat was turned off, and every single friggen one of my betta tanks was below 70. Three of my fish are now ill. One of the males fins are extremely ragged, and he has Ich. Another male also has Ich, and my female's eyes are all swollen and cloudy. All three of these fish were allready compromised from health conditions I recovered them from, and now they're ALL ill again. I could just cry. I am very worried for their survival, having gotten so badly chilled. I've spent the last few hours slowly raising the tank temps so they don't go into shock. Everyone is at about 76 now. But everyone also looks like crap. I'm anxious to see what has happened by tomorrow, seeing as not all health problems show up immediately.
I have Ich meds in with the two sick boys, and my girl is being given Maracyn-2. I gave my room mate a thorough tounge-lashing about having turned the heat off, because I've warned her before about turning the heat down. I'm even paying a larger % of the heat bill since I keep it high. She is apologetic, but I don't think she understands the gravity of what happened.
I am no longer going home on weekends without putting heaters in the tank. I'd rather risk slightly too hot than way too cold, as bettas seem to tollerate heat extremes a little bit better. Lesson learned, but I hate learning at the expense of my fish X_x
Does anyone have any tips for how to help these guys? They were cleaned on Sunday with added indian almond leaf and all that jazz, so the water quality should be reasonably decent. I added salt to everyone, not just the sickies, in case anyone has problems I am not seeing. I might even leave the lights on the tanks overnight since they've probably been sitting in the dark all day and could use the extra warmth. I have the apartment heat up where it belongs, and I guess I just have to cross my fingers.
Water changes, and keep 'em warm and toasty. You're on the right track with the meds, I hope the best for them. Now that Mama's back, they'll perk up.

Sorry for the rotten luck. I vote we tar and feather the roomate, or stick her naked in a freezer! :grr:

I'm on a rather violent track recently. -_-
lmao, lljdma!

I'm sorry random, for thebad luck. Here's to a speedy recovery and hope all turns out well for you
Water changes, and keep 'em warm and toasty. You're on the right track with the meds, I hope the best for them. Now that Mama's back, they'll perk up.

Sorry for the rotten luck. I vote we tar and feather the roomate, or stick her naked in a freezer! :grr:

I'm on a rather violent track recently. -_-

Yeah, I am going to do water changes on everyone tomorrow. Because I just have SO MUCH free time with all of my studies for this bull crap ::growls:: Oh well. We must do what needs to be done. I'd do it tonight, but I'm all out of dechlor. Plus, the Ich meds should sit with them overnight before the next water change.

I can't imagine being a cold-blooded animal and having to endure such a temp. I, with my sweater and fuzzy socks, was shivering like a leaf in the apartment till the heat starting kicking in. Unbelieveable.

I hear ya, if I'm cold, then I'm sure my little men are cold.

Or you know, you could in the middle of the night, shave her eyebrows off. Just a suggestion. Or put laxative in her food?

I'm sorry, she deserves more than a chew out! She's such a female dog!
Or you know, you could in the middle of the night, shave her eyebrows off. Just a suggestion.

So sorry RandomWiktor, that's just awful! Makes me very glad that my friend and future roommate also owns a betta, so I won't have to worry about that kind of thing with her. I'd say just keep them warm and their water clean, and with a little TLC and meds they ought to recover ok :)
I'm just glad your girl wasn't here yet; can you imagine the catastrophe if I found my new little lady was in that sort of a state, especially after recent transport stress? I think she WOULD have gotten her eyebrows shaved were that the case!
btw, Monday looks perfect. We're supposed to have temps in the 50's and 60's from monday to thursday, so the little girl won't have to deal with the wind/snow/rain we had this miserable tues/wed.
Maybe you should put a sign on your tank...

"We survive despite of [roomy's name]"

Seriously, I guess she just did not realize it.
Jeez, how horrible Random. I'm really sorry for the mishap with your roomie, non-Betta people really don't understand! I've had plenty of thermostat-battles with my parents :X. I hope your babies all go back to their happy selves soon, hopefully those 3 will recover!!

Pulling for the fishies! Wanna borrow my razor and some crack money for foolhardy courage? :rofl:
Good news! The raised temp and meds are allready starting to help. The Ich crystals are gone from both boys, though I'll keep treating since I know how sneaky Ich is. My female still looks a little hellish, but is active and eating. I'll just have to cross my fingers and hope she turns out all right; she's had a lot of issues lately. She learned how to jam her head into the filter output and as a result had some nasty wounds to contend with. Now she isn't allowed to have filters. :p
RW, you crack me up. I love a good dry sense of humor.

But I've got to say, you are a tough, no nonsense master! No Mercy.

I'm delighted with the hopeful recovery for you and the little fishies. Dr. Wik
Woohoo, so glad they're doing better!

She learned how to jam her head into the filter output and as a result had some nasty wounds to contend with. Now she isn't allowed to have filters. :p

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