I could a little advice on setup


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
Dayton, OH USA
ok. so i have this 55 gallon tank that appears to look like a chemistry experiment. I have a heater, air to the UGF, power head with pre filter, and now a RIO 2500 pump and clear tube that goes to my external UV sterilizer and back in. Oh yeah, and the hose that runs to and from my fluval 304. it looks nuts. what can i do to clean this up? can i make some kind of a sump? anything anything?
Hi, to run a sump your tank would need a wier in the corner and a hole in the bottom of the tank inside the wier. a sump filter is great i have one on my tank but you have to very careful on the wier heights in the tank and sump because it will back draining if you have a power cut. Perhaps the change to a sump is something to think about if you ever get a larger tank.
thinking about it more....no sump. my fluval is not strong enough to keep my flow rate up through the Uv unit to the tank. what i may do is take the ouput of the vluval to the input of the rio, output of rio to the input of Uv unit, output of uv unit to the tank. this acts like a repeater and gets the rio and tubing out of my tank. dont know if it will work. i can choke the rio down pretty close to what the fluval has for flow rate. hmmmmm....

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